Dreamkeeper’s forumers tier list (2024)

Hi all. I feel like I’m finally qualified to do this after almost 365 days visited.
Interact with this topic (reply or emoji), and I’ll rate you based on my observations, possibly also reviewing your recent activity.
Anyway, I shall volunteer Nicky since my goat is being silenced for another month.

NickyZ1 - S tier

  • Have an actual personality ( minus PM brainrot)
  • Active
  • Creator of many topics that started interesting discussions among the community
  • Made funny shitposts and memes
  • Slightly freaky (not praiseworthy but doesn’t go around being weird to randoms)

Generally a good forumer. Questionable at times, but it could come down to a weird sense of humour. Has many qualities in common with the users of the month. :pray:


nooooo I’m gonna be z tier

opticalcord - C

  • Active
  • Annoying to an acceptable degree
  • An actual brat

Had your moments here and there. Made being a nuisance a goal on the forum. For half a year, Opticalcord was being really immature and refused to acknowledge any criticism towards him. Never knows when to shut up unless told in an aggressive manner, either by moderators or a big part of the forum. Had a history of rules violations and straight up rewording people’s writings into NSFW stories. Would’ve scored D had it not been for recent improvements, but still is, at their core, an annoying brat.

1 Like

chill that part was funny tho

cant wait to get & tier (integer underflow)

I really have barely any idea how people on the forums see me, since I’m often in conversations, but also I haven’t been around for as long as some of the really well known people. (also it doesn’t help that I am not really in communication with any of you outside of the forums)

what’s up

Hit me. A bottom-tier rating can’t hurt that bad.

Alexa, play Through Patches of Violet

Rate me!(You’ve never met me before)


I am curious what you’d think of me




SoifonFan74473727720 - A tier

  • Quite a fiece personality from my observation, but kept it in check for the most part
  • Notorious for many heated discussions in Suggestions , not going to judge whether or not they’re in the wrong but some points do make sense, hence not ragebaiting
  • Active
  • Funny (sometimes)
  • Know a lot (AO)

Pretty cool. I’ve seen you around a lot and none of those ever strikes me that you’re a bad person; you’ve got quite a brand to yourself. Also it’s very admirable that you’re practicing drawing everyday, I can’t even keep at it for more than 2 hours a day.

I’m just gonna be unknown again :sob:

Im S-tier obviously


f tier gotta be the worst letter (ignore the 4th character of my username)

Mr_hyperspace - straight up C tier

  • Active
  • Slightly funny
  • Fair reasoning & debating skills
  • Freaky to a weird extent
  • Made interesting(?) topics that drive discussions

You and your Dynamic Duo gotta learn to call for a stop or take it to DMs for real. For only 53 days visited your yappings are 10x times more than older people have been in years, and most of them aren’t neccessary. A few of your good points come down to being helpful, active participant in discussions, an ok-ish humour and good topics that the community is eager to participate in. Still, you’re annoying and I’m not the only one having that impression. You’d sit right in with optical