Dreams or Memories?

Daybreak comes and gives The Bronze Sea light, one of the islands there is Mango Isle where the team rested since yesterday. Iris wakes up and walks out of her tent when she sees Hassan sitting by the shore, staring at the deep ocean. “Huh, didn’t expect you to be awake this early. Did something happen?” Iris said and walked to the camp to get some water from the jug. “I guess something did, I’ve been having these dreams lately of when Me, Tucker and Morden were escaping that facility. But I think it wasn’t just us three… I think there was someone with us. I’m planning on asking Morden about it later once he wakes up. Anyways, I made breakfast, and I stored it at the storage chest.” Hassan said, Iris nodded and headed to the said chest and took the sandwiches before sitting next to Hassan on the sand.

Moments later, Morden rises from his tent and sees both Iris and Hassan watching the ocean by the shore. “Uh… what’re you 2 doing?” Morden asked as he fixed his messy hair. “Hassan here is troubled by a dream he had so the least I can do is accompany him.” Iris said, looking back at Morden. Morden looked at Hassan who appeared to have his head above the clouds, looking aimlessly at the ocean. “Oh? What kind of dream did he had?” Morden asked, Hassan’s response made him look shocked. “I had a dream of us escaping the facility. Us 4, Me, You, Tucker and someone else.”

“…Oh. 4 of us hm? I don’t remember there being someone else on the rowboat than us 3. Surely it must’ve been an error of a flashback.” Morden said, but he knows the truth. Iris felt like he knew something, but she decided to remain silent. “Oh… alright. Anyways, we should be going now. Go wake up the crew at Elm, I’ll go pack our stuff and take down the camp.” Hassan said as he stood up and went to the tents. Morden looked at Hassan as he went to the tent, he felt sorry for not telling the truth at that moment. “Let me guess, It’s not just you 3 hm?” Iris asked. Morden then looked back at Iris, “Yes, but I shouldn’t tell him the truth until the right time comes.” he said. Iris sighed and stood up to stretch her back before eating the last bit of the sandwich. “WAIT DID YOU JUST EAT THE LAST SANDWICH!?” Morden exclaimed loudly after seeing the last bit get eaten.

At The Bronze Sea…

…That voice again.
“Stop… don’t…”
…Don’t what?

“Captain!” Hassan was awakened by Edward’s words. They were about to hit an iceberg but thankfully Hassan woke up at the right moment to command the crew to put the sails up. Edward sighed in relief “Captain, is something wrong? If there is, then we could dock at a nearby town and settle there until you’re better.” Edward asked as Hassan rubbed his head. “Sure…”. Iris and Morden then come out of the ship’s storage room “We heard some shouting, is everything alright?” Morden asks. “Yeah, but captain here seems to have something troublin’ him.” Edward answered. Morden then looked at Hassan whose mind seemed to be really occupied. “Those dreams really got to him huh…” Iris mumbled. Hassan snapped back to reality, “O-oh! Sorry for the pause. Let’s g-” Hassan was suddenly carried by Morden as Edward walked to the steering wheel. “Don’t worry Captain, you go get some rest while I get us to town.” Edward said reassuringly. Hassan sighed in relief and gave Edward a thumbs-up before being placed down by Morden.

After docking in Frostmill…

Morden stood outside the snowy town while Hassan rested at the inn. Iris then came out of the inn, looking for Morden. She then spots him standing by the exit, “There you are.” Iris said. Morden looked to his right and sees Iris, “Oh, is he finally asleep?” Morden asked as Iris walked and stood next to him. “Yeah. But when are you planning to tell him the truth? These dreams are getting worse by the day, and it could affect his sanity and you don’t want that, do you?” Iris asked Morden. Morden didn’t respond, which left Iris to wonder when he would tell Hassan. “I… No. The only thing we can do right now is to get it off his mind.” Morden said. “But how will we do that? The only thing I could think of is keeping him occupied.” Morden’s brain sparked as soon as he heard Iris’s words. He hastily ran off to the town’s board, “Hey where you are going!” Iris shouted as she ran after him. Morden grabbed a request from a villager who requested a crate full of herbs while Iris took a request consisting of sinking a pirate ship.

“We can take this!”
“We can take this.”

Meanwhile at a small tavern, the crew and Edward took a break there. Eating warm foods or laughing their faces off, it was heart-warming. Suddenly Iris and Morden both came in bursting from the front door and ran towards Edward who was suddenly startled by their sudden approach “Edward! Pick one!” The 2 synchronized as they placed the 2 requests on his table. Edward swallowed the drink he had in his mouth, "Don’t ever come in bursting like that, I could’ve choked!” Edward scolded them before sighing and looking at the 2 requests Iris and Morden placed infront of him. “Hm… The pirate ship sinking request. The crew and I could use some action.” Edward said. “Hah! I knew some action would clear off Hassan’s mind” Iris cheered while Morden just stared daggers onto her. “Oh? You’re trying to help Captain, eh? Then let’s increase it up by 3 pirate ships! Hahaha!” Edward laughed as he raised his mug. Iris’s eyes sparkled as a smile grew on her excited face “Now you’re talking!”. “HEY DONT YOU THINK HASSAN WILL GET TIRED FROM THESE!?”

“Ugh… Fine. I’ll wake up Hassan, you guys get prepared.” Morden said as he left the tavern with Iris and the crew still in the tavern to celebrate in joy for getting some action. Morden walked to the inn Hassan was resting in, he knocked on the door and there was no response. “He’s probably still sleeping…” He thought to himself as he slowly opened the door and sees a peaceful sleeping Hassan on the bed. He walked next to Hassan and observed him quietly before gently placing his hand on Hassan’s forehead, giving soft rubs. Hassan’s eyes opened lowly and sees Morden’s figure in front of him, “Morden…?” he asked in a sleepy tone. “Oh, you’re awake. Listen, we’ll be leaving later so I came here to pick you up.” Morden responded. “Oh…” Hassan mumbled as he laid his head back to the pillow and held Morden’s warm hand. “Please, just stay a little here a bit more…” Morden was confused by his request, but he stayed beside him anyway.

“I promised her that I will look after you when the time comes. It is time I fulfill that promise, so her and Tucker’s deaths won’t be in vain.”

The crew has already boarded the ship while Iris’s patience has been running out from the waiting. Iris grumbles because of her impatience and looks back at the ship, “Hey Edwa-” but her eyes were met by a burning boat instead, a different boat. “W-what the-” She then looked back at the village only to see the island melted off, only the now-burning town remained. She felt a hand crawling up behind her shoulder, she looked back and saw the drowned corpse of a girl. The illusion was finished later, and Iris was brought back to reality and sees Edward. “Iris!” Edward shouted as Iris flinched. She breathed out and rubbed her head as Edward sighed in relief. “You zoned out, I was worried that something happened to you.” Edward said. “I-it was nothing. I was probably just seeing things.” Iris apologized, but the sight of that drowned girl was still in her mind.

“We’re here. I hope we didn’t take too long.” Morden waved as Hassan followed behind him. Iris then became upset at the 2 because of the impatience. “You 2 didn’t do anything that took 30 minutes to finish hm?” she asked as she held out her palm, casting a hot red fireball. “Wha!? No! Hassan here asked me to sleep with him for a bit!” Morden shouted in fear of getting blasted. “Ah, so you 2 are like that when we’re not around?” Edward teased Morden. “NO, WE’RE NOT!” Edward laughed hysterically at Morden’s loud response. “Ah right, Morden told me that we’ll be leaving. Is there something going on?” Hassan asked. “Well Morden and Iris here were plannin’ to make you forget a dream that bothered you. They thought that taking some requests would keep your mind off it.” Edward explained as he handed out 2 of the request papers. Hassan took the papers and inspected them; his face then became hazy because of the number of ships they had to sink. “Err… why 3?” he asked in a soft voice; it was as if he was tired. Morden then glared at Iris and Edward and said “Oh I don’t know… Maybe it’s because SOME people are feeling too adventurous?”. “Hey! In my defense, Edward and the crew recommended it to me because they were missing the spice of action and battle.” Iris protested.

“Ah I see, then sure. I needed some extra galleons anyway. Let’s go.” Hassan said as he boarded the ship, his companions followed behind him before setting sail to the seas. While they were searching for pirate ships, Iris, who was troubled by what she saw back at Frostmill, went to Morden for help. “What’s wrong?” He asked her. “Have you… ever seen an illusion without ever eating a purple mushroom?” She asked him. Morden was puzzled by her question then became worried. “N-nevermind. It was just a memory of mine, probably a flashback…” Her lie managed to mollify Morden from his worries. “Are you sure?” He asked. Iris looked away from him and stared at the ocean, “Yeah.” she said. “Pirates! Everyone, prepare to engage in combat!” Edward commanded the crew as the ship approached the pirate caravel. “Come on, let’s get this done quick.” Iris then ran off and jumped high, creating a massive fireball before throwing it to the ship, dealing immense damage to the hull.

“What the- I’ve never made a fireball this gigantic before!” She thought out loud. “Launch the cannons!” Hassan commanded as he steered the ship to the side for the crew to begin launching cannonballs at the ship. Iris then fell from the sky after her high jump and Morden caught her before she could hit the ground. Iris then thanked him before getting off his shoulders, Hassan then approached Iris hurriedly and grabbed her palm to inspect for energy overuse. “I’ve… never seen you create a fireball that huge. Did you use most of your energy for that?” Hassan worriedly asked but Iris raised her hand up to his face. “Questions later, we have some bastards to defeat!” She said before running off. “…You better watch her in case if she hurts herself out there.” “Why me!? Aren’t you one of her 1st friends before I met her?”

After 3 tiring battles, the crew docks to the Forest of Cernunno to gather herbs.

“Hey Captain, Morden and Iris told me that they’ll be taking a break after all the fighting and insisted that I come along with you in assist of gathering herbs.” Edward said as he approached Hassan who was about to leave the ship. “Oh, alright. Let’s go.” Hassan smiled as he stepped off the board and walked in the forest, Edward trailing behind him. The gathering was silent, and they both felt awkward from the silence between them. “Heh… The silence has never been this loud before.” Hassan chuckled, breaking the silence between them. “Yeah, we never had the time to talk to each other when we had the time. It seems like now is the right time.” Edward responded as he placed a batch of herbs in the crate. “Oh, by the way, how is the dream? Is it still engraved in your mind, Captain?” Edward asked. Hassan then stopped from his tracks due to the reminder of his dream. “O-oh, I shouldn’t have said that. My apologies, captain.” Edward apologized. “It’s alright. Yes, it’s still on my mind. It’s kind of troubling me and my curiosity.” Hassan said as he slowly knelt to the ground and plucked the herb from the soil. “Hm, you know if something troubles you, you can send a message to the ocean.” Edward said. Hassan rose from the ground and looked back at Edward, “Send a message to the ocean?”.

“Yeah, before I left to become a Navy Captain, I would help my troubled siblings back at home. And if something makes them feel down, I will tell them to send a message to the ocean about their worries. It makes them feel better now that their burdens are written in a piece of paper and bottled up to set afloat in the sea.” Edward said as he placed another batch of herbs in the crate. This made Hassan think for a few minutes before taking out his notes and pen and began writing, then tearing the page off and rolling it. “Oh, I don’t have any bottles on me.” Hassan checked. Edward was eager to help his captain in any way, so he took his empty water bottle from his waist then gave it to Hassan. “Here Captain, you can use mine.” Edward offered. “No… I can’t take this from you. You already helped me enough.” He declined. “Captain, all these days I’ve been with you were the best and I know you know that. And it hurts me to see that the captain that I love dearly is struggling, so please for the sake of me, accept this gift.” Hassan was amazed by his quartermaster’s words. He chuckled and teasingly pulled the front edge of Edward’s hood, “Alright alright, I’ll accept your bottle. Just don’t be so cheesy next time, got it?” Edward was startled by the sudden pull, but he laughed along with his captain. Hassan took the cap of the bottle off and inserted the note in. He walked to the harbor of the forest and places the bottle on the ocean, leaving it to float into the seas. “…You’re right. I somewhat feel better now, it’s strange but at least I won’t have to worry about it now.” Hassan said as he watched the bottle drift away. Edward stood beside him and watched his bottle carry his captain’s burden, he felt a special bond forming. (ISTG IM DYING)

Meanwhile back at the ship, Iris was taking a relaxing break sitting on a crate as Morden approached her, handing out a bottle of what seemed to be mango juice. “I figured you’d need a refreshment.” He spoke. “Thanks.” Iris thanked him before opening it and drinking the whole bottle in just seconds. Morden almost choked on his drink after seeing Iris chug it all down in a matter of seconds. “Did you at least savor the taste of mango? I didn’t make this just for you to drink it like it’s a spoonful.” Morden questioned Iris. “Don’t worry, I like mangos. Anyways Morden, can you tell me the truth?” Morden paused as soon as he heard Iris’s question. “Wait… what truth?” “You know what I’m talking about. I recall it relating to Hassan’s dream.” Morden’s expression turned from confused to a saddened one. “Well, I suppose there is no harm in telling you if you don’t tell Hassan. I’ll only tell you the moments I remember.”

“The rain poured on us heavily and we were on the escape from the facility. The 4 of us, Me, Tucker, Hassan, and Beatriz were fleeing from the guards that were trying to capture us. They were throwing arrows, spears and cannons in our direction and then one of us got hit, Beatriz. She bled heavily and lost her balance from the rowboat, she then fell to the ocean, forever lost in the depths. Tucker prevented Hassan from trying to jump off their rowboat while I watched in horror as Beatriz dies while I paddled. Then the next thing we knew, Tucker was next. I managed to get him and Hassan on my rowboat and we paddled away from the guards while Tucker bled.”

“Who is Beatriz?” Iris asked. Morden took a deep breath and said, “My best friend and Hassan’s older sister.”. “We’re here!” The 2 then heard Hassan’s voice and looked back to see Hassan and Edward carrying a crate full of herbs. “It took a while but at least I got some stuff off my shoulders. Anyways, prepare to set the sails because we’ll be leaving for Frostmill now.” Hassan said as he went to the steering wheel as Edward stood next to him. “He seems to be better than last time; did they do something there?” Iris asked softly. “I have no idea, but I’m glad he doesn’t seem to be burdened anymore.”

Meanwhile at the sea…
The bottle was afloat the water until it is suddenly pulled down by a ring of time, sucking in fishes and objects that it could pull. The bottle then travelled through a wormhole before popping out of the ring of time, it rose to the surface of the sea and met the light of a different-but-familiar sun.

"Hm?” A woman caught her eyes on the bottle and jumps off the ship, retrieving it before climbing back up again. “Hm? What did you get captain?” Said a familiar masculine voice. “…Another message bottle.” She said in disappointment. “Oh, I see. Wait, that bottle looks similar to mine.” He said. “Is that so? Then I suppose there is no harm if I keep it?” She asked. “No, not at all Captain. I already have mine here.” He then showed her his bottle, it looked similar to the bottle she retrieved. “Alright, tell the crew to set sail to Frostmill. They’re probably waiting for us there now.” “Alright Captain.” The male then left. The woman read the note from the bottle and the writer’s name managed to catch her interest. “Hassan Millstein- ARGH!” She held her head to weaken the sudden pain. Voices and whispers filled her mind, but it all stopped when she drank a potion from her bag. “Tch… just who are you…?”

(FINALLY, IM DONE!! Hope this is enough because the ending is a teaser to something big. Also, I snuck in some EdwardxHassan and IrisxMorden moments here because I was feeling a little cute while making this lol. Anyways, I’ll be making an announcement some days after this story’s released so keep a look out ;>)



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Also special bond is forming… hohohohohoho i see what u did there :smirk::smirk::smirk:


Pls make these siblings meet i beg u

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Sasslord Iris solos ur favs :heart:
(i am slowly being absorbed into the edward kenton fanclub)

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Sasslord Iris >>>> Tsundere Iris
Also i think I made him too babygirl here but eh :melting_face:

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Oh they will meet, but one of them will do so in another life :eyes:

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There is no such thing as too much babygirl


Judging by ur pfp of margarita blankenheim from evillious chronicles, I’m just curious, was the line

inspired by regret message? O-O

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Bingo! Im also planning to make another story that is inspired by Tailor of Enbizaka.

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Oh nice! Can’t wait to see it.

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