Drew two of my files on AO and drew another thing

Two characters from WOM that I finally managed to get access back (The extra Files gamepass didn’t work for a while for some reason but it decided to work again now)

Revon flipping dies

Bonus Thingies
  1. Might post more art soon cause I’ve been getting back into AO again and I have a few things planed to draw and my motivation came back. :]
  2. The Files of the two gobbers I drew up at the top (I never really played on them mostly cause I’m always playing on my main file.:skull:)
    Restored files

Love the artstyle.

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Wow. You got a nice artstyle and two adorable goobers, plus your main.

Also, obligatory Revon bully post lol

Revon is just :skull:

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Thank you! :] We all bully Revon here.

Why the fuck everyone is making fun of revon
When he come back in future , we all will suffer