Drop dah picrews for ur OCs fellas and fellingas


https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2468017 (BoyKisser)

here’s human version of my pfp teehee

here’s boykisser @StockSounds i think i did a good job :3

ok send me ur favourite pcrews chat !!!



i found a protogen generator now we can recreate rb1!!!



I mean I already posted this but I guess i could again

Almost forgot this one

Picrew :fearful:

As I hear this word, the flood gates of memories which I had locked away for an eternity opens, leaving me flustered, embarrassed, and ashamed.
“Why in the world did I have to see this god-forsakened name in here?” I pondered, doubting of this topic’s creator sanity as I once again recall these echoes of a time long gone.

The friends that I have lost to Picrew will never return again, submerged within their madness, never to rise up to the surface of their hell to once more live peaceful lives.

… it’s not that deep bro :frowning_with_open_mouth:

I tried the “FoxBoy” Generator and tried to make myself


honestly accurate

Also this just cause I was bored

ur lucky its impossible to find picrews with beards or i would have recreated your pfp…

close enough, just imagine they have an eyepatch

u dont wanna make me unleash the BEAST, pal… :smirk_cat:

Thats exactly what I made a few minutes ago :astonished:

Not kidding

bro is depressed doomer

I mean searching for a curse with no luck can be pretty exhausting :sleepy:

smh shoulda just went to the auction house JTN built and paid 250 million galleons for the Equinox curse

Wasn’t the steam curse 5 million galleons?

And also Arron and Maia interaction

I even have a whole list of all the unobtained curses in arcane odyssey / adventures