Drop dah picrews for ur OCs fellas and fellingas


should i try to make genderbent @spicytuna and mayor tilly

  • yur
  • naur
  • KRILL YOURSELF !!! :shrimp::shrimp::shrimp:
0 voters

Take Tilly out of it, use Calvus instead

b-but spicytuna likes femboys… not HUNKS !!!

Get the cat maid iris then



where is it

i was looking up pics of mayor tilly on google images to use for reference on the picrew and found this

thought you’d like :innocent:

wait im stupid u already replied to it 4hrs ago :sob: :sob: :sob:

idk how to make a genderbent watermelon persona well, but i think mayor tilly came out good :3

Ur all gonna die

Well that’s a bit rude innt bruv

What’s a picrew

a website that just has a bunch of character creators

It generates a character based on your input? Or it just gives you the ideas and you have to draw it

I think it generates one but I dunno I don’t feel like using it

it puts parts together

Oh lol, gotta try that

GIRLS KISSING :heart_eyes:

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This was my best attempt at making my character with picrew:

Oh i guess I used a different version or something



i made this a long time ago for my ao character

holy shit, water melon seeds as freckles?