Drop your D&D experiences here

I have an ungodly obsession with Dungeons & Dragons, so for you forumers who have played, I want to know some of the best things you’ve done in the game.

For me, I’ll start by saying I was playing a dragonborn sorcerer (probably a bad choice for a first character) by the name of Xieril’aun, and I was just consistently saying the wrong thing. First thing I said in the whole campaign was “No offense, but you seem very intoxicated right now.”

…My experiences are nothing absurd okay

Have fun sharing your stories!


Imagine saying that to a dwarf


im in an ongoing campaign but i’ve already gotten the highest number of kills and have been put in jail (i immediately escaped [most of my party is mobilizing against me])

I don’t play actual tabletop DnD, but I’ve played a few DnD video games and have had a couple funny experiences there.

Here I accidentally killed a party member by dropping a boulder on them cause I had no idea it would do that

There was also a time in BG3 where I had a 95% chance to succeed my roll but of course ended up failing

I have a family campaign with my sister, mother and father (I know. I hate it too.)

My sister’s character refused to kill some giant rats and my ass is playing the healer, the rogue, AND the paladin all at once. This is finally my breaking point.

I kill the rats. I get a nat 20 and shove them into her character’s mouth, killing her. I do not REVIVE her. I did not INTEND to.

Anyways, I like bg3 more, and I always romance minthara or lae’zel, because they are my favorites.

Should sacrificed them to the rat god.

I killed a tarresque with soap poisoning once (don’t ask please.)


no but seriously that campaign sucked. We never finished, I just REFUSE to play. I’m playing THREE CHARACTERS, my sister’s character is just a racist who doesn’t play her alignment and she REFUSES to play against her own moral code, which ISNT HOW CHAOTIC GOOD WORKS?

And my mother cannot read the dice, she has eye problems, leaving me to read them for her. So I end up doing at minimum HALF of everything for EVERYONE, and my dad’s happy to DM, and I want to shove all the dice at that table inside his ear so he can hear what I FEAR everytime he says we’re going to play.

Should be Lawful Good and still be racist tbh

I am working on a campaign myself, and working on a character for a friend’s campaign I’m gonna play in

I’m thinking high elf rogue, mastermind subclass, sage background. His name is Ilexyn Niiron and he is as chaotic good as chaotic good gets

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that is already a massive problem not to mention the other stuff glad you decided to stop playing :nod:

I ran a literal nightmare group for dnd. we were playing the dragon of icespire peak (essentials kit) and we had barely got through it in like at least 4-5 months of weekly playing. None of the people were actually interested in playing it (aside from @Sykadelik and @teamjb4 ) and just saw it as an opportunity to hang out (since i moved schools and they were friends from my old school). Since i actually wanted to play the game they ended up just going on their phone most of the time. General waste of 1 out of the 2 days of the week i have free

I really want to do D&D but I have no body to do it with :cry:
The only experiences I have with it is 2 sessions with my friends where nothing happened and a time my older brother “taught” me how to play the game by plopping me in the middle of a warzone and a time where he actually taught me how to create character

Oh, speaking of, I’m being FORCED to play a session today. The literal thought of it is hurting my head.

oh dear. i cant think of anything to say thats just awful

Lets see, when i played in 8th grade we did it really unprofessionally.

one time we rolled 2 nat ones in a row on stealth attacks. Another time we just clipped out of bounds by going through a window to escape prison and became multimillionaires.

one time one of the girls playing had their character fake their period which caused the gaurds to turn arround so i picked the locks on the cages and make one of the gaurds sick and then sneak attacked them both.

lets see we killed half a tavern had a giant earthworm eat the tavern and just left.

we made a human bridge

i started with an antimatter rifle once.

i made an arrakokra battlesmith. the idea was to use a cantrip that pulls the opponent to me (15ft range), fly ten feet above them, pull them, cause them to take 10ft fall damage, drop a barrel with water that i used poison spray on (free action), have my nezuko battle dog whos immune to poison in there, reaction cast slow fall on the dog, have the dog attack the enemy who is poisoned and has poison water surrounded by them. i also gave the dog a sling and magic pebbles.

i made a poison dart monk so i could just shoot at people with poison.

my first character was a swashbuckler who could just rizz the enemy to avoid fights.

One time we had some kinda midas touch thingy, so we turned a kings gaurds to gold, made a shield out of it, sold it to the king, and half of us got arrested, the other half became the kings blacksmiths and the campain for the day ended.

one time we kicked a dude in the balls and then i used cold touch (i think whatever the necromancy cantrip was) on them as well.

not my campain but my teacher (the dm) had other students who rolled a natural 20 to get a girl to follow them to a tavern, and rolled another high roll, so the dm struck lightning upon the girl.

damn thats neat

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shiver me timbers :flushed:

no swashbuckler is a subclass for rogue, being charisma based (since i also like to multiclass into sorcerer and monk, occasionally artificer so i can be stealthy with heavy armor)

my group stabbed a fucking child (well, 18 year old human or elf who’s 3’5 apparently)

we rolled 2 nat20s on them (worst thing to get a nat20 on) and i was a dragonborn with 14 wisdom and medicine and bandaged them after the first attempt