dsmp "lore" vs. stampy's lovely world lore


Why old gen is better in every way
Childhood is great.

The Behind the Scenes of the Moon Episode ruining a good amount of people’s expectations


Stampy goated tho

At the time when I wasn’t able to play Minecraft or really any other game besides free apple store games, I would always go on my dad’s IPad to watch Stampy videos. Since I wasn’t able to play the game, he would be my outlet and basically my eyes just so I could experience it. I could go on and on but that would make this too long. Just know that my admiration towards him is at another level and he always makes me laugh. From time to time, I even catch up to the recent episodes just to support him.


damn i used to watch this guy everyday :frpensive:

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we all did :frpensive:

It’s true.
Fucking hell, generic-ass RP servers have better lore than Dream SMP. Like even the most basic fucking ones. That category doesn’t include the ones with extremely defined lore, but yknow.

@StarForDays Cheers bro, I’ll drink to that, on god. I know how that was.


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most people (myself included somewhat) only like “old gen” because its what we grew up on.
people are now growing up on dream and those fellas. because we have matured, we see dream’s content as too childish and immature for us. also, community does sour dream a lot
i know dream stans are stupidly cringe and i hate them, but if they arent stanning / simping super hard its unhealthy and creepy, leave them to enjoy dream in peace.


silence is the greatest insult

Rosy retrospection

when i was a kid i silenced the bully who was trying to insult me at the playground with a rock

you aren’t wrong

Well I mean DSMP lore is also literally just piles of secrets and clickbait garbage