Dual Curved Blades

Dual Curved Blades https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/d/9/d9b47869ceb86549237111a6e828f98544690dd9.png
effort 5.0 2 quality 4.5 2 reasonability 4.0 2

-there are gonna be three weapon variation: rusty, iron and tungsten

the rusty one will be from level 0-50, iron one from level 50-100 and tungsten one from level 100-200, the rusty and iron one will have 2 abilities while the tungsten one will have 4.
note: the name should be “curved tungsten blades”

Weapon Description

Weapon description:
rusty: A handle with 2 blades at each head, it appears to be rusty yet still usable, good for close combat.

iron: A handle with 2 blades at each head, the blades seem to be made from a high quality iron, seems excellent for close combat.

tungsten: A weapon with a handle, each head having a blade, it looks to be in excellent shape, the story talk about a legendary hero using a strange two bladed weapon made of tungset.

-[Q] Rushing Blades: quickly grab the target and use your blades to slash the target, end it by using both blades to push your target into the ground (grab ability, weaponary 20/100, cooldown 5s)
{the / represents rust/iron level} {also another note, some work started when i was animation and i had to help, so ya, not all are gonna be smooth}

-[E] Deadly Spin: spin twice rapidly, each spin increases the power (the second spin will increase the dmg and AoE, weaopnary 50/130, cooldown 5s)


-[R] Deadly throw: throw your two blades acting like a boomerang, slashing anyone in their paths. (self explaining, weaponary 160, cooldown 5s)

(notes: this one starts with throwing them and ends with catching them)

-[F] Upwards Slash: quickly jump forward, grabbing anyone in your path you and launching them up with you. (dash move, no stun, weaponary 200, cooldown 7s)

(note: it should leave a trail like the katana tp)

How to obtain:
rusty and iron one can be obtain from chests, while the obsidian one can be found in lost cargo or sealed chests

why should this be added?
-i think it will help people with more diversity, given is a weapon for close range but i think it atleast brings more options

huge thanks for key for suggesting a better ability for deadly spin and tr0xic for making deadly throw more unique by giving a boomerang effect

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I feel like a double sided spear could’ve fitted into this suggestion as well. Anyways good job on this suggestion.

Any suggestion that involves a weapon with two or more blades is an instant vote in my book.

i just wanted to make something unique, now this is my first suggestion, it might take some time to get used of AO gameplay and stuff, but i hope atleast this will be recieve good enough

im pretty sure tungsten is not obsidian
also, isnt tungsten like very dense and heavy? im pretty sure obsidian falls more under the strong but fragile catagory (big damage, but breaks easily, just like glass)

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