I have taken a comical amount of screenshots of messages I thought were funny so I decided to collect (almost) all of them to end off this year
Also if you want a certain screenshot removed, dm me and I will remove it
The first ever screenshot from my first ever topic
Medieval politics basically:
The timeframe where Ungriffia was founded has been retconned it now takes around the 1750s-1760s
From my daily polls series
I have powers beyond your comprehension
Can we get a BlueFighter15 quotes thread some of the things he has said are quite unhinged
I’m a little bit quirky :3
No life behavior
BlueFighter strikes again!
That is not an option. Outlive your enemies.
First image I have taken of the Hyperspace-Stocksounds rivalry
Addressing the problems from the bottom of my intellect
There is no Tooth Fairy, there is no Easter Bunny and there is no Queen of England
Misinput is AwsomeOS’s mother confirmed
How could you dubious…
Literally everything stands no chance against kirby
Kinda represents the average US citizen
Well I mean it’s called the War seas for a reason
When I said everything stands no chance against Kirby I meant it
- accidentally throws lethal bomb* “Voops! Zat vasn’t medicine!”
Crazy? I was crazy once! They put me into a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats! Rats! make me crazy! Crazy? I was-
I can easily make that joke but i’m not i’m not gonna do it you can’t make me
I’m going to add a caption here to make you think it’s important so you read it longer to understand what is trying to be said here
Probably my favorite quote I have made
Least obsessive PHIGHTING fan:
Imagine playing the game couldn’t be me
Austria is our main nation’s rival they merged with Hungary so Hungary just kinda got caught in the middle of the crossfire
Was it true?
discobot lore:
Most pure image of all time
Me: “I love emoticons :3!”
Also me when someone uses “:-)”:
Fear it.
Stage 1: denial
Erm actually it’s 63% words not 60%
How to make me instantly hate you in one statement:
This is like the one thing I actually remember from my learning endeavor of the Napoleonic War besides military uniforms I guess (Oh and like somewhat most of the nations that participated in the conflict [The entirety of Europe])
Me when I can’t think of a good way to make a Halloween pfp
Curse you Hypserpace!
M_hyperspace jumpscare
Human tribalism strikes again!
I don’t even remember the context for this
I officially now am afraid of HealCaster
Another screenshot revolving around Medic TF2
The universe hands me a second nickle
Little did we know this would be used to end his career
Stocksounds moment
Nah there is going to be a high demand for it so people are going to make a lot of it so their value is probably going to like tank maybe I think I dunno economics are confusing as hell
Did he not already have it?
A boy another two nickles!
Who was that guy O guy anyway?
How much y’all betting flare to come up here and go “STOP”
What more could you want Blake!?
Stocksounds once said…
(I will not give a single hint of context)
Gentlemen, synchronize your death watches
So just the Order
Perhaps just my favorite screenshot I have ever taken
I still have the intense urge to mrreow :3
This appears to not stop me
Flare has a stroke part 1
How to start a monopoly in AO:
Step 1: Notebook
Step 2: Profit
After watching a video about the Google Doodle lore I don’t think that’s her name
Flare has a stroke part 2
Halloween pro tip
That explains why they is so strong
Is this actually the first deron hate screenshot? How has it been this long? For one to pop up
Does she know?
I’m making an anouncement
Now now I know that sounds bad
Also yes I did make soup’s post the solution
Actually nah turn the subreddit into Bose-Einstein condensate
Guys hyperspace might be a skyrim npc ngl
Mods please don’t ban me for having screenshots from the protogen rb1 situation :3
Snook having the most fire poetry out of no where for litteraly no reason
StockSounds the answer for you is clear and I think you should now that everyone is going to pick the opposite answer
My job here is done
Am I going to stop mrreowing :3? Of course not!
If you can’t you do not have the right to call yourself an alpha male or somthing like that
Literally 1984
Three nickles!
You thought BlueFighter was gone from this conversation didn’t you!?
the hivemind in question:
literally 1984 cat racism edition
That’s it that’s the end
I hope you enjoyed :3
And remember