Eastides' Thinking Thread

This is actually a continuation of a very similar thread that I made, which I kind of stopped working on after school and life necessitated that I focused my efforts elsewhere:

I didn’t actually finish the project I was working on then, but I haven’t actually stopped working on it, although work is being done at a snail’s pace. Most of my “work” concerning the project hasn’t actually resulted in any tangible progress, but I have completed the book that I was reading (alongside many papers and wikipedia articles) so my understanding of tonogenesis and historical linguistics as a whole has increased by a decent amount, so I should second-guess myself a lot less this time.

The cultural specifics of the Ngrweey people like their location in Magius, beliefs, and traditions, etc. have undergone very little change, and most changes are additive and not corrective, for lack of a better word.

I’ll make actual posts here tomorrow.

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Oops, sorry. Homework got seriously busy this past week so that didn’t happen.
I eventually decided that I would save it in a text document and edit a little every day, then post when I’ve done a particular section of the work. That process will probably take about 4 days, though don’t take my word on it.

I’m done the section I want to post today though.

As previously explained in the thinking thread that I made on the forums, the Ngrwééy live in the bordering region between the Ember Desert and the northern grasslands above Citrine Town. The scaling earlier suggested that the maximum vertical distance in the image was 371px in height. However, the image I have on my system is larger and of higher quality, and instead measures at 880px.

Since I never directly stated where the maximum horizontal distance was on the forum post, I had to re-calculate it. It ended up being the line formed by the points (217,430) and (2113, 430) in the more high definition picture that I have saved on my flash drive. It is a long, horizontal line starting at the westward facing inlet near Wray Fort and ending at the peak of the land protrusion east of the settlement near Rainville. Using the 770:371 ratio used in the post, we assume that our image’s maximum horizontal distance is 1826.42px, or about 1826px, but it ends up being 1896px across. Close enough. Therefore, the ratio is 1896:880.

A note on the difference between a bay, a bight, and a gulf. A bay is a recessed, coastal body of water that directly connects to a larger body of water. A bight is any bend in a coast(line) or river or cliff or really any geographical feature, and can refer to a bay since the recession is often a bend inwards. A gulf is a large, narrow inlet from ocean into landmass. Practically, this means that a gulf is a narrower bay.

There are other terminology, like sound, inlet or fjord. An inlet is any indentation on a shoreline that leads to a larger body of water. A fjord is an extremely narrow inlet created by a glacier. That’s about as deep as I’m willing to go though.

I only write this because this confused the living hell out of me when researching geography.

It is still true that, assuming Magius were 9000km across, it would be about 4300km in height. More specifically, it’s 4177km, which can be estimated to being 4200km. This doesn’t matter – currently I want to deal with the Ngrwééy’s living space.

Looking at the diagonal distance from the two edges of the territory, we get a distance of 323.11px, which corresponds to about 1533.75km of territory across. Take into account the fact that the width of the territory is about 42.72px (202.78km), and we have a territory with a surface area of about 311,000km2, which is quite massive for a group of nomads to lay claim of, though it is significantly less unified than one might initially expect.

The average Ngrwééy troupe might consist of about 15~50 individuals, which can be divided into multiple nuclear families. Monogamy might have been preferred, though I have no plans on expatiating on this. The women in the family would be married off to other families, while the men would remain in their familial unit for life. Each Ngrwééy family unit owns a flock of their own, which the entire family is involved in tending. Generally, the men take care of the stronger, larger flock, while the women tend to take care of housekeeping, housemaking, foraging (sometimes), and the smaller flock. This isn’t a hard rule, however. They typically spend a few weeks in a given area before moving again, so as to not totally exhaust the resources therein. They spend the summer period in the north and the winter period in the south, to avoid the unfavourable weather that comes with each season. This also has the advantage of allowing them to follow migratory prey.

Each troupe is part of a clan, which is a group of related families and troupes. Each clan is part of the overall Ngrwééy nation. Although troupes are defined by moving together, clans don’t often convene except in circumstances requiring multiple individuals (like war).


Here’s the high res picture I refer to in the post.
I was using distances estimated from a picture with a lower resolution (and of a smaller size), so my estimate was a little bit off in my first posts. I don’t know why I never used the more high res picture; I’ll just chalk it up to stupidity and/or laziness.

Unlike the previous one, I never made a picture showing the territory I was referring to, but I gave specific coordinates so creating such an image should be somewhat easy. I’ll do that by the time I make the next post.

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Actually, never mind. No I did not.
I did, however, write the specific coordinates.
According to my notes, their territory stretches from point (955, 540) to (1255, 660), where the y-axis increases downwards while the x-axis increases rightwards, because that’s how Paint works.

What is evident from the coordinates alone (well, assuming you are aware of the size of the image) is that this is not even a substantial section of the entire continent. They barely have to meet most civilizations throughout their lives (unless they are in diaspora). Something that you might also notice is that their territory is bordered by Savarian, Alvarian, and Savyrian cities and territories, though any cities or outposts that the Savarians might have in these lands are probably situated near oases or somewhat decent wells (to prevent dying, of course).

Since they are right smack between three nations, they probably interact with them a lot. Since I stated that they spend their summer in the north and their winter in the south, they would only have to interact with the Savarians and Savyrians in the summer, while interacting with the Alvarians basically all the time. This would lead to interesting dynamics between the two nations, which may or may not be covered in the next post.

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Haven’t posted in 3 days but I actually got a surprising amount of stuff done. This will probably be the only post I make here in a week, so I decided to tidy up all my work as of now and publish them.

Since I’m creating links to folders and not files, any progress I make should be visible from the links I give below to anyone who has the links, but I will still make posts here to give small (or not so small) summaries of my work as well as to dump any unrelated ideas that come to my mind.

You can access the folders by navigating to any one of these three links, depending on which one you find most trustworthy.

I put the Internxt option there for anyone like me who would be hesitant towards using their own Gmail or MS Accounts, but I’m pretty weird that way, so eh.

The folder will contain four subfolders:

  • Images
  • Ngrwééy Description
  • Ngrwééy Grammars
  • Ngrwééy Dictionary

Their relative contents should be discernible from the names. Ngrwééy Description contains everything that does not fit into the other folders, basically.

Just realized that Internxt acts up sometimes by overshooting the directory size limit when encrypting and then decrypting the files. Just don’t use it, I guess? I don’t know how replicating that specific bug is though.