Edward kenton headcanon anyone

REAL! U have no idea how much i cam relate to dis rn

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MC calls him babygirl

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Or even face palming out of distress of us keep on crashing our ships onto random crap :rofl:

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mc brings edward to meet souvella and they have a picnic together

Actually, imagine if that happens fr.

because remember how Jern from Ravenna said he might see us again in the nimbus sea? I wonder if the other FS mentors are going to come as well, along with having new mentors in the mix.

I bet that’s how we’re going to upgrade our fighting styles

Edward being young feels kind of wrong for such a man. Dude looks 40-ish, even before gearing up.

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I quite disagree, for example compare these two picture:

He is baby faced :baby::baby::baby: even the most sculpted biceps arms in roblox looks like baby limbs :joy:

hes our babygirl

the AO protag is canonically 18 yet can look like a 80 years old through beard and such, Edward looks old cause of his… face hair(?)

its really hard to tell a roblox character’s age

Souvella, Barbatia Augur (that lady who’s heirloom got stolen), and the tomato quest lady (I forgot her name), any gray haired lady looks like they’re 20 despite being over the age of 50.

Anyone without facial hair, muscles, and bald heads look 20, or at the very least 30.

If you look at his quartermaster description (hover over him, in your shipyard thing) he’s 27ish so, dispute him looking 40 when he’s upgarded, he’s not that old :skull:. man’s is not at death’s door. :coffin:

or is he?


dont jinx it.

I swear i will never forgive vetex if something happens to kenton

vetex on his way to make edward die as a result of having a bounty:

if that happened then I dunno what I’d do but- :sob: