Edward's jellyfish general store

Edward's jellyfish general store
convenience 1.0 1 fairness 0.0 0 trustworthiness 0.0 0

*next to an item means im only accepting decent overpays for it, as i value this item


Yellow collared cape
Nimble White collared cape
Nimble Black Ravenna noble armor


Lance of Loyalty
Bursting Lance of Loyalty


Nimble Cernyx faulds
Nimble Cernyx boots
Swift Cernyx boots
(might not have these, cant be asked to check alts)


Swift Ravenna Apostle pauldrons

King Calvus

to be updated, not sure how many i have. most of them are on an alt.


2x Maria’s Hat


1x Mountainbreaker’s boots

Dark sea

*Atlantean Ash arcsphere.
*Dromeas Boots


*Explosive Sunken helmet
*Strong sunken sword
Sunken Helmet


1x Charged
2x Toughened
1x Graced
1x Resilient
3x Healing
2x Piercing
1x Uppercut
1x Axe slash


3x Vindicator
*1x Dense Vindicator
A good few abyssal items

i’ll update this more later, cant be asked to go through my alts at the moment.

If you need something i don’t have listed, ask about it and i’ll see if i have it on an alt.

bumping this to remind myself to update this

Some stuff im looking for, incase someone who stumbles upon this has it

-Atlantean Argos chestplate
-Abyssal Maid top
-Atlantean weapons (except shield and mace)
-the stupid new da sets with weird names and negative stats

Really nailed (haha get it) that shop, do you also take items (scrolls in specific) because i got a few i do not require and would be willing to sell for cheap :3
(more stock)

maybe, depends on what they are really.

all of these are scrolls i do not requirel

yeah i could buy some of those, i probably need a bit more to though. not exactly doing the greatest wealth wise

todays tradelogs:
Lost: 1x maria cutlass
Gained: Blasted toothpick
(great trade ik ik)

doing this shit again