Effect of the Dark Sea's magic pollution on Curse Users

We all know that curse users explode when they touch the sea due to the conflict of magic energy that it creates.
But what would happen to curse users if they were to head into the Dark Sea?

As far as I’m aware, its constant rain is polluting the air itself with magic energy, causing water poisoning, physical mutations, and insanity to occur. But since it’s imbued with an objectively worse (greater) amount of it (as indicated by the lack of water poisoning and insanity once we dive into the ocean), shouldn’t it also kill curse users?
(Morden obtaining the Death Curse within the dark sea and leaving it safe and sound however does go against this idea, but then what would be the dark sea’s reason for existing if not this one? I feel like I’ve discovered a potential plothole, do prove me otherwise if I’m wrong though.)

Thank you for correcting this misinterpretation (I thought that it was found in the dark sea, explaining why nobody found it until now), but it doesn’t fully answer this question (although it does imply an answer).

Yooooo I actually asked this same question a while ago but nobody answered :sob: maybe we’ll get more discussion this time

But I feel the same way as you, the amount of magic energy in just the rain alone is enough to cause water poisoning, which doesn’t even happen if you submerge yourself in the oceans of the sea clusters for long periods of time. So logically yeah, curse users should just straight up get crippled going into the dark sea.

As for the Morden thing, you can make it make sense if you go with the line of thinking that high amounts of magic energy affect a curse user based on how strong they are. Since Morden just barely got the death curse and it was at the very beginning edge of the dark sea, he might not have felt the effects that much. But if he or a stronger curse user were to go in deeper, then they’d really start feeling it. Would be funny if Wotan’s interest in the dark sea leads him to go in and just instantly explode cause of how strong he is lol

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My thought exactly

I have a few theories on effective ways to kill Sea Curse users

  1. The first method is Sailor Style because it said it get its power from the seas magical pollution
  2. The second is to use Sunken Weapons as they are the result of arcanium weapons being in the sea for so long it gets water based properties and might also posses high magical pollution
  3. The third is just to throw seawater bottles

also the way a sea curse user react to magical pollution most likely depend on the element of the curse because the Water Curse AKA Tide Curse can repel the highly magically polluted sea water so theoretically if there was a magically polluted peace of earth only an Earth Curse user could repel it

You’ll never defeat me, not with just your puny hands!
Hic! Uhhh… go go- hic! gadget… murder Rupin!

What if canonically AO MC is a user of Sailor Style and a huge drunk but in turn they absolutely demolish curse users

A warrior with a water gun would go crazy against a curse user

thats gonna be the next sunken weapon

Welcome to vetexgames, where the story of the game itself isn’t canon


It doesn’t say he found it in the dark sea given how close it was to the dark sea he probably just went into and came out where the curse was. He also mentions this in the entry where he actually finds it:

This supports that it wasn’t in the dark sea, because you can’t very far at all in the dark sea it makes sense that he wouldn’t be in the dark sea at this point. It is still possible that there was just a fuck up with the lore, but I think there’s enough room for doubt here to spare Vetex for this one.

Tbh though, can there even be an horizon in the post-durzacheron AU?
Any sea cluster is entirely surrounded by the dark sea (which is a black and purple fog that somehow doesn’t spread according to gravity and wind currents), and from what we’ve seen of them, they aren’t big enough to go past the horizon that you would see at altitude 0 of Earth (therefore stopping it from existing).
Though I could be wrong and the scale could have been reduced for the sake of gameplay.

You just gotta suspend your disbelief for that one

As for the other stuff I dunno, though directly south does seem to be both the Vimir and Nimbus seas so the border of the dark sea probably wouldn’t be visible from that direction. And south was probably where Morden was looking since thats really the only direction the Ravennan ships could come from. Plus the scale probably is bigger lore wise like you said, cause otherwise the sea is able to be crossed in insanely short time spans which we know isn’t true from the quest dates in game, and also an insane amount of people would be crammed into these tiny cities.

True, it would make sense then.
Completely unrelated, but I think that it’s funny how his meager sailboat was capable of being faster than whatever ship King Calvus was using.

its not like you can take a paintbrush, dip it in some sea water and paint a curse user to death

In all fairness he left from fort talos before Calvus got the info for where the death curse was, so not only was he closer, but he got a decent headstart too.

Calvus was almost a useless tool with the Death Curse instead of a useless tool without the Death Curse, oh noooooo.