Ego death

didn’t morden mention a thing or two about losing himself in his journal?

anyways that aside, behold, more-den sketches from me

here’s me putting morden in “clothes I (bnt) actually wear daily” bc I have a lot of black outfits in my closet. might as well see how morden aka. “that one guy who wears all black like he isn’t afraid of dying from heatstroke in ravenna” looks in these outfits

morden and iris I drew bc I thought it’d be funny to draw them like this. bonus points if you actually find out what image is this drawing based on


I SWEAR i saw an alpha wolf image that is exactly like this but i cant find it :sob: :sob:

edit: THIS???



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Predicted plot point:
Iris is going to be the person who keeps Morden sane/not-horribly-depressed.
Morden is going to be the person who keeps Iris out of trouble.

They’re built up to be complete opposites.
Like where Morden is level headed, cold, and calculating.
(the exact kind of person you’d expect to have the death curse)
Iris is hot headed, emotional, and impulsive.
(the exact kind of person you’d expect to use magical solar flares as a weapon)


Closest image I can think of is this

neviro has that nevirizz (smooth talker)

Do ya think Iris will let my depressed homie hit?

what ARE you two even saying???

neviro is the yap :speaking_head:

I do not speak tiktok.

neviro talks well (yappery :speaking_head:)

I like the glowing lineart

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yep lmfao :sob:

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lift them up

hold them tight

yeet them high