Elysium Pvp Arena

Yeah you could just say it exists in the Dark Sea somewhere, but you would have to be able to access this place from every Warring Sea, right? Lorewise, why would there be an NPC in the southernmost sea to sail you all the way over to an arena somewhere within the northern dark sea? It would be ridiculous.


If it’s a separate universe place you can just tp to from the title it could also as well be vetex testing separate universes to make other seas more sorted too


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe he could also use this as a new UI that will allow you to teleport to any sea you’ve visited before, unlike AA where you could only join the latest sea unless you teleported to another player.

Yea it would be weird to an extent, makes it better that we ourselves go to that place to “prove ourselves” and news of this fight will spread of whether you lost or won, that would give another lore reason of gaining or losing renown

Also these news can spread via your crew snitching on you for example lmao

looks like banana could be right
the last two are definitely pvp arena

tf is the first word gonna be

It’s definitely something PvP arena, question is how is this arena taking days to make and going to apparently be either the coolest thing ever added to the game that will make people cry or something you just don’t care about

Don’t think any of these makes sense, Im guessing its a word that’s from an another language (most likely Greek) that’s transcribed to the Latin Alphabet


nah bro trust it’s gonna be earworm pvp arena

Elysium PVP Arena


Mount orthys getting a pvp arena!

We’ve gotten a guess in Darkane that the first word is Elysium

Oh, it’s probably a separate universe you can teleport to if you want to PvP people without distractions or consequences. AA and AR have something like that.


prob gonna be a ranked mode

if this is elysium pvp arena

More replayability

Possibly eliminating world pvp, unlikely but

I dont mind something like that added in the early access phase, considering the pvp community at large

and people wont complain about ganking as much too
yea theyre be some people that wont give a shit but better than the current state of things, AO is pve focused anyways

Im essentially repeating the points said by the casuals lol

Elysium? That was one of my ideas, didnt think that was gonna be it…

Won’t eliminate stuff like bounty hunting but will make it so you can pvp in a place without fearing of being witch hunted for fame/bounty

I can finally pvp without the possibilities of being snaked, etc