Emotes change and aditions

Emotes change and aditions
effort 3.0 1 quality 3.0 1 reasonability 4.0 1

Emotes should change your facial expresion like sleeping should make you close your eyes and mouth, dance should make you smile, workout should close your mouth and there should be more emotes like :

  • Giggle : Should have a short duration and make your smile, only activates on saying "hahaha or something relate

  • Laught (?) : Should be an emote and activates on saying “HAHAHAHA”, would open your mouth and close your eyes

  • Poses : Thre should be different poses for taking photos

  • More dances : Using “dance” emote should trigger any of the 3 roblox dances

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An extra change would be making emotes a little less sensitive to being undone, I mean any slight movement shouldn’t just immediately get you up

Movement caused by the player’s input should though!

btw you’re invited to the chatroom

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What about insanity emotions, anyways u have my vote.

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