Empires clan building silliness on non clan servers

Why are people in huge clans allowed to have shit like this on non-clan servers

What are new players supposed to do if they have a quest on an island that is claimed by a huge clan with a gigantic fortress?

If you somehow get the money for a build like that you deserve it I don’t even care :sob:

Holy moly
Colosseum-looking island


You cope.

that’s why invisibility V potions exist

switch servers

Clans building impel down instead of any other normal fucking base with all their money

they cant hurt you anyway

I feel bad for people who have to do the sarvoleze quest because nowadays most servers have their harvest islands converted into megabases with almost no trees at all :cry:

Great idea I’m taking it
Maybe recreate Marineford while I’m at it

if youre not in a clan they cant hurt you but

the mortars/cannons will still shoot your boat anyways if youre clanless (why)
im not sure if clanless players can pass through the invisible walls

It thought it was a One Piece game for a second

AO is basically a one piece game

One Piece x Fairy Tail but the lore is heavily altered

chat we need to brainstorm the best ways to grief giant clan bases

just snare

anyone know if destruction based magics do more dmg to clan structures, or is the durability strictly pure normal dmg based?

is that fucking Ba Sing Se?

There is no war in Ba Sing Se

there is no clan war in Ba Sing Se :nerd_face: :point_up: :frpensive:

lol, we had the same idea