Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

“Islands are close” in quesiton

I tried doing nimbus charts on an alt account with a ketch, just don’t. you could literally write vetexes entire anti-PvP rant in the time it takes to cross islands

Alright fellas, bet how buggy this feature will be on release

unpatched infinite wall climb save me please :pray:

posideon himself

that’s not how probability works

60/5 is 12

1/60 chance per treasure spot. Do that five times and its about a 1/12.

5/60 is the same as 1/12 because of simplifying

5 x 10 = 50
5 x 2 = 10

(5 x 10) + (5 x 2) = 5 x ( 10 + 2) = 5 x 12 = 60

again, not how probability works

each reroll is separate from the other, it’s not adding the chances together it’s some kind of multiplication that i forget the formula for

No what your thinking of is when someone says “oh the chance is one in ten so I’ll get it in 10 tries”

Math is not mathing, chatgpt what did you cook?

i did the probability math

it’s close to 1/12, but it’s more like 1/~12.5

Actualy, they did cook

If I have a 1/6 chance of getting 6 rolling a dice, and I rolled the dice three times, what’s the chance I get a 6?

the equation you’re looking for is 1-(59^5/60^5)

equation for this should be 1-5^3/6^3

the right number is the amount of possibilities there are
the left number is the amount of possibilities you don’t want
the number you’re bringing both to the power of is the amount of times you’re attempting the thing

you subtract it from 1 to get the percentage chance

with that said, assuming you don’t care about anything but getting at least 1 six the chance is about 42%

Here’s math :nerd_face:


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8.08 is closer to 1/12.5 (or even 1/13) than 1/12