Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

this update gonna take like 4 months atp :skull:

I wonder why Vetex doesn’t just release everything he has now to the public and then get to work on the rest of the stuff so it can be released next month? That way he can keep consistent monthly updates going

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New fighting style, yay

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eh, nimbus needs a lot more islands that are claimable or theres going to be a LOT of fighting going around the few that are

I honestly hope there’s a bunch of fighting since my plan is to just hang out at other peoples claimed islands and maybe I can watch a scuffle or two

there is a pretty damn large empty zone northwest of bronze sea

anyway i think the new fs will be taught by one of the sun temple monks

finally, someone sees the good part of the update (ngl the rest is cool too)

Sun fist?

Too early for that (fighting styles based on lost magic)

…we could get a Light based Fighting Style (flash bang every hit)

Though, I thought the next fighting style might be the leaked island that JTN accidently shared one time (he didnt realise it was for AO lol), it had a FS Mentor on it

I feel like it will be worth it though. It will either be the best update we will get for a long, long time, or everyone’s gonna get on to find out that all files were wiped somehow

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Multiple new islands and new fs seems like a big task.

I guess its either karate or knocking fist.

I hope it’s knocking fist
karate is just a kinda boring concept

Vetex is not the only one who will be working on the islands tho. And a new FS probs isnt the same as making entirely new skills, as FS uses the custom movesets and stuff

But with all the other stuff, I guess it is a lot.

…Wouldnt all of this technically make this “Nimbus Sea Update Part 2” rather than “Empires Update”? :joy:

possible, we have one for dot ( thermo… and ileg ig but its more of a byproduct ), kinda one for stunning/“control” ( sailor fist ) and one for knockback ( boxing ), the only other type of status effect we havent gotten yet is blinding

Wait no, I think this update would technically be the Full Release Update lol

I suggested the idea of there being a new FS from the Samerian Monks, and that FS would be Light-based

he did say on twitter that this is “full release”, im not sure if its as in the full release of the update or the game itself however

or, yk, sand, which hurt your eyes?

i mean tbf i doubt the new fs will get a new status effect for itself but itd be fun knowing those monks fight by throwing sand at their opponents

Well, we’re talking abt SUN Monks, so its def gonna be sun related rather than… kicking sand into the enemies’ eyes, though that does sound very effective :joy:

the return of pocket sand!
the most useful item in AA