Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


I am going to combine sand and lightning for free 25% more damage this is awesome

You can already do this with paladin

“Mom, can i have equinox?”
“No, dear, we have equinox at home.”
Equinox at home: Shadow with light imbue

but im a conj
itll be great

i think he said it was something like unison raid from fairy tail

casting 2 magics at once that is

I hope you can also combine lost magics
I am going to make Aetherial Phoenix

Water + Ice double-casting

apocalypse + slash, bootleg cataclysm

Apocalypse + shatter is ACTUAL cataclysm

can’t have two ancient magics though, unless it really will be like unison raid and you can team up with another player

if i can cast all three magics at once, im gonna hit that fire/sun/blaze attack

I interpreted it as casting like a chocolate and vanilla swirl but with two magics, not really teaming up

yeah like 2 seperate blasts fired at the same spot at the same time

i think it’d be more like one blast but 2 magics

oh like injecting one magic into another like a jelly donut

glass + sand + lightning >:)

The bug fixing is legit what want the most

optimization i beg

vetex should do part 1 and part 2 of every update so they actually come out monthly, like what he did on the deckhand aka dark sea part 2 update. That way bugs and other issues can get fixed without us having to wait a decade