Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

No, it’s pronounced A-jee-un

We went from the update to Jorund to the placement of the Seas to editing the wiki.

and so is “Asian”

ah unfortunate but alright

Instead of ae-zhi-un

Bro you saying that last part when replying is absolutely wild. Are you just stupid af or stubborn af?


I think you just pronounce Asian weird

on the magic reset part? I can’t turn on the VPN right now to check trello myself, mb

That’s just a smoother pronunciation

Yeah that’s how literally everyone I’ve ever met has pronounced it. You are the odd one out here.

If they already getting chatty I might as well.

If they jump off a cliff then why dont you as well?

No, I’d look on and chat about it, MOM.


Pls delete your account and never return


bro brought up jumping off a cliff and you’re the one telling ppl to delete their account

somethings wrong with you

Literally an analogy but keep glazing your friend :skull:

Eh, leave him alone, I was being pretty idiotic forgetting to not get chatty on that thread.