Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

“@ Sneaky Ping hey dumb fucks”

if i was in charge of showing a sneak of evander, i would take a picture looking forward on his ship from behind him

Three times in a row have I been ganged up on by a giant white eyes and a poison jaws in the Dark Sea, and two of the three times, I took on the poison jaws and got one-shotted by the white eyes, how is it possible that there were both of them in the same spot three times in a row?

i would take a normal picture with him in the background and they would have to find him like waldo…

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I think it’s great that we’re getting lower level spells but there’s almost zero use for this besides cheesing enemies

what the fuck??? this isnt even misinfo its literally there on the page!!!

vetex said he wanted boobs so we got it!!!

this is my instant response to my friend as soon as i saw this

we got boobs before we got paper and ink back :pensive:

it’s beautiful.

Finally, after all these years, FREAKCANE ODYSSEY!

bro I literally downloaded a mod that gives my character boobs in MC and this shit happens… peak…

someone change the thread name to the freaky update patch notes

I came back from my break as soon as I saw this because I knew my fellow degenerates would eat this up

i prophesized the coming of boobs and it was true

GALAGA ILY!!! (platonically of course)

everyone was so laser focused that they didn’t notice rapier getting a new skill
Screen Shot 2024-08-18 at 9.44.54 PM

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it is official everybody THIS IS THE BEST UPDATE EVER!!!

(initially put this in the wrong channel :skull:)

i might be banned from ugc server for pinging astral, i will take the hit to know the truth…
Remember me as I was, not who I became…