Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Can people please stop replying in the main thread for the stupidest comments, if you’re not gonna actually add information just reply here

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The biggest mistake in rfao was allowing memes as “reply’s”

And dont say “oh but replies to the main post are ok” sure maybe the first time but repetitively replying in there is so pointless, clogging up the main thread.

yeah ok easy ban

so many replies here we might as well rename it to #general

So he’s going to stop finishing the update in order to prioritize spirit weapons? Where have I heard that one before?

this is starting to feel like “empires part 1” with all the main content being replaced for other stuff. not a bad thing, but still

I mean, it’s not like I actually wanted clan island building over any other feature, I just had this whole thing planned for when it was finished.

Yeah I agree I love the new customization options but I think vetex’s teetering a little too far off ngl. We haven’t heard from the civilization thing in a long time

No, I genuinely don’t think anyone was necessarily looking forward to dark sea archipelagos out of all features and vet has people working on models for the clan building stuff so it wont be taking away from the overall update

Well if you have a full server of clan-goers it’s gonna be all-out chaos trying to keep control of a single island. Archipelagos could have solved that.

noooooooooooo my archipelagos I’ve been waiting since they were announced for those!


laptops have fallen, billions must go into debt for gpus…

I hope this means we are getting a weather revamp :pray:


Potential Man

me when i see a girl who talks about how they wish they were a boy