Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Take a guess on what the kingdom could be

Makrinaos looks like it’s been abandoned for a long time. There’s marble structures that look like they were used to hold up ancient temples.

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Yeah that’s us.

This means we are the Visigoths confirmed

Sorry :sob:
Considering how many armor set names sound utterly random (Vatrachos being “Frog” for example) I didn’t consider Visigoth could be a normal thing.

you would like to be a goth wouldnt you

Hot Visigoth Mommy

poison frogs, thats why
bright colors signify danger, since the armor is incredibly powerful (like poison) but also incredibly dangerous (like poison)

Same bro

No I’d rather be a femboy tbh
(Stocksounds I’m acknowledging you to prevent you from replying)

May I present you goth femboys?

ME FEMBOY!!! :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :bug:

maybe they took over the area they took over? (woah shocker :scream:)

idk throwing out a curveball of uhhhh… nevermind i’m not trying my luck. i also don’t know any upcoming islands besides Keraxe and Makri.

Hmmm big powerful empire with no already assigned references

Yeah azura it is

Azura is too greek.
Visigoths do give the vibe that they’d have yellow swords, so it adds up.

Well if the goths already did the thing than the Roman’s would certainly be Greek currently

oh yeah i forgot about Azura.

i didn’t really consider Thorne but i guess?

azura is british
warren is a british name meaning ‘garden keeper’
warren has blue fire
lord lancelot also has blue fire
lancelot is a character from british myth

The romans are Ravenna currently

Ravenna, its ravenna


I can’t use sunkens anymore because of my immense unfounded hatred of the British