Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Put this in tier 3 chat so its only fair I put it here too

How long till clan building update
  • 1 Week :money_mouth_face:
  • 2 Weeks :sunglasses:
  • 3 Weeks :neutral_face:
  • 1 Month :cold_face:
  • Over 1 Month :skull:
0 voters

watchu think folks


I have 34% because I’m correct

there is a tier 3 chat?

oh right that one

I mean these are supposed to be monthly updates, so I’d assume it’ll come out at the absolute latest July 20th

new armor!

The top right one looks like those cloaks that some characters in Fallout 1/2 wore (Aradesh and Goris).

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Bootleg verdies

It’s been a day or two since the last trello update, we probably are going to see something cool in the coming days

Being able to see the actual thing, I can confidently say it is not anything like Verdies’ pirate outfit. JTN and Xael cooked.

hello acheron

Durza who?

durza snake in my boot

pirate lord set my beloved

More tricorns to try out


I honestly just can’t see what’s happening in the image.

Lightning pngs ruinning everything as always.

A guy with Right Hand casting animation, readying 5 Sphere/Arrows

Honestly, it would have been cooler if instead of them automaticly being fired, we could hold them, and they would fire only when we press the spell again.

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Ohhhhh, so that’s Array.

I(for some reason) thought we were getting another spell in addition to Array.

You can choose the delay between when you press the spell and when it fires