Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


Barely noticed this
(Wrong image at first, sorry)


they got more cells than players and criminal npcs that can be in a server combined

We have reached the end of the Yap Era

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I hope farms in civilization tab are upgradable
Literal money farms for level 8 walls :skull:
There better not be a placement limit for them :rage:

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They could always just use intimidation, or prestige or economy of scale whatever

@discobot fortune

will they’re be placement limits for farms?

:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

Lets hope so (I want to make a mega potato farm with this one)

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“Today I will teach you how to build auschwitz”

That’s the optional romance quest where she gives you her staff at the end

After you give her yours… :fearful:

after you give her yours… :smirk:

after your give hers… :woozy_face:

after give your her yous… :weary:

After you give her yours… :flushed:


I think the limiting factor will probably just be the amount of useable space for them you can make on an island, including terraforming, and the size of your clan’s wallet.