Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Unfortunately they don’t like attack size (the best stat) so 0/10 clan niether me nor any alter egos/schizophrenic personalities of mine would ever join them

ew you use size? my 1100 defense 120 power 100 speed build begs to differ :fire::fire::fire:

You are arguing with a METAL CONJURER about size vs speed

just dont play metal :fire::fire::fire:

No >:(

It will be at 10% :sob:


rear admiral amelia interrogation and/or lean potions

Enizor is dealing to Kenton, who distributes it to the navy

I’ve got it all figured out

Wonder if those are just truth serum bottles just lying around near the bounty board casually?


What the fu-
“Roman Samurai Armor”? This better be referring to the segmented cuirass (lorica segmentata) that the Romans wore, or else I’m going to go on a rampage at all Ravenna-affiliated islands.

Guys, is that Mr Beast?

My bad, I meant lorica segmentata (copy&pasted the wrong one)

wait we can steal other clan’s builds?? is there any cost to this or will we straight up be able to clone ally builds?

It’s the opposite, that wasn’t intended and it was fixed.

Ohh thank you :]:+1:

482 messages in about a day
can this thread do it