Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Enizor is dealing to Kenton, who distributes it to the navy

I’ve got it all figured out

Wonder if those are just truth serum bottles just lying around near the bounty board casually?


What the fu-
“Roman Samurai Armor”? This better be referring to the segmented cuirass (lorica segmentata) that the Romans wore, or else I’m going to go on a rampage at all Ravenna-affiliated islands.

Guys, is that Mr Beast?

My bad, I meant lorica segmentata (copy&pasted the wrong one)

wait we can steal other clan’s builds?? is there any cost to this or will we straight up be able to clone ally builds?

It’s the opposite, that wasn’t intended and it was fixed.

Ohh thank you :]:+1:

482 messages in about a day
can this thread do it

Bro is NOT driving that.

He ain’t got any attention on that wheel.

Poor guy is never passing his driving test…

Also, some of the rubble around Amelia move when she charges her Gravity Magic, maybe will it have a passive to move rubble?

My god

We are getting infinity in ao after all…


That’s how i would describe it too but I’m stupid as hell

Fun fact: The last time a Sea Curse was playable was Arcane Adventures if you were Techlevel.

yea but to the player wasnt it online fighting!

Yeah, very long time ago
Considering how big of a thing they are, you’d think there’d be more contexts where you can actually play around with them.

Oh, let’s not forget that you could use the Vector Curse if you happened to be Xxael.