Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

no, but the goal is 10k before the update

Can you do this?

we on a timer now
we HAVE TO DO THIS also fort catsrum is looks cool

divanochi how could you

we gotta hit quota

there’s a small chance that a great stroke of luck (part 1/2)


Who will win? Us, or the system?

will let me play the update (part 2/3)

dang wtf since when was this a thing
anwyays whats the next update


i cant find the patch note but im pretty sure the shirtless bug from colorless items was fixed

ok but SURELY there will be another one right?

cannon fist

“but would you lose?”

“nah, i’d hit quota.”

ao is now closed

GO GO GO GO (full sentence)

final stretch now

go my bugtesting…

we’ll see

its pretty common for textures to fail to load but thatd only be client side, and we cant use them with fighter jackets so it might be breastover


Hi, just a reminder that spamming this topic is still against forum rules shut up.

If you want to discuss the update when it releases go here.

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well the good news is that hopefully we wont be getting any ridiculous gamebreaking bug like in nimbus