Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

optimization i beg

vetex should do part 1 and part 2 of every update so they actually come out monthly, like what he did on the deckhand aka dark sea part 2 update. That way bugs and other issues can get fixed without us having to wait a decade

vetex should take on a 2 month update cycle but push optimizations and relevant bugfixes to maingame asap imo

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wasnt vetex originally gonna make a fairy tail game

what is bro gonna do against the electric chair combo

water + lightning

he made a fairy tale game in 2014, and i heard from a lot of people wom was originally intended to be a fairy tail inspired game instead of an aa universe game but ive never seen an actual message from vetex saying so

thank you


Magic just became peak. I only liked Paladin because of magic-like imbuements but now that I know I can do this… And we can freely change magics in the future so nice.

Shatter + Apocalypse Bringer = Free cataclysm

I had a similar idea to this some weeks ago so that means I can predict the future. Although for balancing reasons some imbuements that equal overpowered stuff (Lost/Ancient Tier) should have some kind of higher magic requirement or drawback. That way we don’t get equinox conjurers running around at a low price.

Although this means that one of the awakenings has to be changed so we may or may not lose 3rd magic access (But less is better sometimes and I like having imbues on stuff so W)

nuclear magic time (ash+explosion)

i think it’ll just be another ability gotten in the later seas, we have like an entire other half of the game left after our awakenings

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WOM could be a really good game, it had wrong design idea behind it.

If someone remembers, WOM was meant to be open world rpg, differetn cultures, differetn random events etc. But vetex decided to add in story, which…which does’nt work in the format he added it.
If he wanted a story open world game, he could make it where everyone start somewhere at ironport, and we go to neo greeks by getting stronger, and eventualy maybe becoming a new pantheon?

Or you know…Just a culture story? Like, only about your cutlure and its towns.

WoM suffered quite a bit from its design tbh, a lot of the things meant to be immersive were more annoying to deal with, added very little or just ended up lagging out your game horribly (300 npcs active at once jumpscare)

If WoM had half the things AO had that made it “fun” to level up, it would’ve been more enjoyable. The quests in WoM being the only way to really level up SUCKED. Even if the treasure chart system from AO was in WoM and the bounty hunting system and cooking, it would be sooo much more enjoyable

The one thing I like from WoM much more than AO is the actual map. Vetex should be open to adding secret locations which don’t count towards the Exploration Task. Just think - in WoM we had the hidden statues, cave under Charon, Mt Seawatch tavern, and more which most players never found. I want that to return for newer islands.

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I honestly like the big map of WOM, sure, it was hell to travell it, but we had to do it cause of fetch and kill quests. Outside of it, it was nice to just explore it.

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WoM map with the building feature could been fire af


Imagine if we could claim sections of Jotunheim to build on. Of course it depends how large it is.

i honestly prefer it over ocean travel