Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I wholeheartedly agree in regards to Knocking Fist. If anything, it sounds like one of the most interesting fighting styles out of the common ones. I like how it blends something grounded in real-world logic (nerves and pressure points) together with a fantastical concept (producing magical electricity).

And yeah, common fighting styles should be simple, but that’s relative to lost fighting styles. The current fighting styles we have (except Basic Combat but why count that) set the bar in my mind that every fighting style, even common, will be fantastical and not totally grounded in real logic. Even Boxing is just the wind-element fstyle disguised as something from the real world.

So it feels very jarring to me to throw in something like Karate, which has no magical element like Thermo, Sailor, Boxing, Ileg, and Knocking, nor is it grounded in a supernatural feat of strength like Cannon Fist is. It’s nothing more than just a real-world martial art. A very misinterpreted one, and not in any way that ties it into fantasy. The concept of Karate as it is just doesn’t seem like it belongs.


Yeah that’s fair.

That would be ideal but I don’t really see any way it even could be reworked without just becoming an entirely new fighting style. I mean, not even its name could stay :skull:

I guess you could make the grab-affinity a secondary gimmick and give it a new primary one that works better with this sort of game and also meets the fantastical bar that every other fighting style (minus Basic Combat) has set.

Well outside of me and a few others, I doubt people will play with its gimmick of “land a hit to deal boosted damage with a grab” so a full rework would be necessary

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I think that maybe Karate (or whatever else it could be called) should have higher grab damage as an extra benefit on top of some other gimmick that would be more appliable.

nvm you already said this :sob:

Vertex should make a body slam technique

It just a passing thought, but:
What about the intensity and agility reworks???

Have they been discarded?

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Kidslayer’s base :eyes:

Its building update in sense of both players and devs building stuff…

Same thing really

AO coppied :yawning_face:

proof AO copied deepwoken:

  • They’re both permadeath (If you remember to delete your file)
  • They’re both PvE focused (If you’re extremely antisocial)
  • They’re both using Robloxian 1.0 OR Robloxian 2.0 styled avatars
  • They’re both magical
  • They both have water
  • They both have armour
  • You can talk in both games

They even copied ship :sob:

please dont smite me, i know its a joke

they are both on roblox too dont forget


And they both have a big place with scary monsters outside the map

and they both have a d,e,o and n in their names… im starting to suspect vetex has been copying deepwoken guys…


doom island reference???

The conspiracy goes deeper

  • Both of them ARE GAMES!!!