Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Time for level 600 atlanteans with surge and pulsar :fr:
At the very least tho, we get guaranteed charts. Would be actually op if you could just farm level 280+ Atlanteans for guaranteed legendary charts each.

what are you fighting level 600 atlanteans for :sob:

my rival uses

  • and old katana, mainly flying slash
  • ice magic, variable moves but usually a multiblast and powerful beam, ultimate changes
  • sailor fist. who knows what abilities for it

my rival uses
-canon fist

People may hate this but I’m actually so happy npcs get access to rare spells/techniques, I always thought it was weird they never had any, especially since it’d make fighting them more interesting

pfft, my rival has been running iron leg thermo fist beserker for the past 100+ levels, he’s committed and he has basically everything it seems except for focus

also of course no rare techniques (god imagine level 260 mages with pulsar or surge :skull:)

From my personal expirience huntable npcs apperance is not “set in stone stats”
Like, its as if a modifier.
“Yeah, sure, your rival looks like samurai. It has a higher chance of getting magic and weapons, but does’nt mean that they wont get fighting style. Its just that magic and weapons have higher weight in deciding stats.”

I wonder if this means my rival will stop doing an explosion sailor axe build. To be honest, as scary as him getting access to rare spells and techniques is, an almost 700 damage axe throw is always going to be his most dangerous ability. So unless he stops using an axe, it shouldn’t be much worse.

mine too lol

Maybe it’s a bug?

We smoking some dark sea weed and walking through it to get our mind reset


This will (not) have an impact on the economy

It’s probably a good thing that we don’t have yet another really rare valuable tradable item.


Sunken armor at home type armor :sob:

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Water: Sunken Armor
Earth: Rusty Armor
Air: ??? Armor
Fire: ??? Armor

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fire armor requiring fishing into a volcano for fr

In jotunheim we gonna get an ice rod which lets us fish in volcanos, in skyhall we get the air rod. The earth rod is a shovel.

fishing in the clouds for cloud fish and an air armor sounds rather reasonable, also we could finally bottle cloud extract in them

the agility modifier

Vetex please let npcs drown ong :pray: :sob:

make them instantly die like in AR