Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Not to say its probably for testing purposes

id rather have a grindy game that was actually good and had content than no grind get whatever you want whenever you want easily

Probably just for the sake of world-building, because it’d be weird if there were two rifts in the world and only those two.

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What even is a rift. Why do we have a Pelion rift. Is a rift an irl thing?? WHY DO THEY EXIST

I think it’s like, a giant wave of molten rock that went in that direction and then cooled off.
Molten Rock is how the real-life equivalent of the Jaw Spires were formed, and those are right between it.


It can be grindy but not everything has to be super grindy man

It’s JUST a magic reset change, it’s not that crazy

All it does is prevent u from having to make a new file and transfer


whatever this is

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In AA the purpose was to divide up the seas but I have no idea why it’s there in AO other than maybe nostalgia purposes, since iirc the bronze sea is the northmost sea

I like my idea better.

Gameplay-wise, it’s there to keep newbies out of the Dark Sea.

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Well this makes sense. I guess that’s cool

5-10% isnt grindy what would be is like 1-3%
its supposed to be rarer than acrimony when it gets it’s spawn

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That does make sense

Why are the war seas shaped like a hopscotch game?

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I wish there was just a bit more to them in game idk, like some chests or a “cave” inside them

real shit
ima find a picture

It really could do with some content.

Would be pretty funny if vetex added a secret to the pelion rift super far into the game’s development without mentioning it in the patch notes

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why would it be rarer then acrimony :sob:
beserkers take 300 galleons
warriors can use stuff from common chests unless they feel like grinding for sunken
why must mage suffer and grind in the dark sea for something rarer then acrimony, 1/3 is just fine :sob:
at most make it locked behind a boss or some shit but increasing the rarity to that level is just annoying

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