Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

There’s that one open vest shirt

i like seeing people’s confliction on whether this is a good addition or not.

in a more serious hindsight, i think it’s a good addition for people who want more customization. assuming they’re customizable or can even be added onto the player, they might also work as abs for male characters.

customization is great in AO. i just wonder, if at all, how customizable they’ll be. i highly doubt there’d be a slider, so maybe something like “Oh pick from Chest 0-5.”

idfk :sob: am i excited? uhhhh, i mean, idk why i would be. THOUGH, for cosplayers (and my own cosplays)? this is a GODSEND for more variety.

if it does turn into a gamepass that’s similar or even roped into the muscles gamepass, then it’ll also give vetex a whole lot more money, meaning more development, developers, and better updates.

Just make it so it disabled when applied like armor, I don’t even care about creeps I just want my characters to have diversity…

man at this point I don’t even consider it doom posting :sob:, the consequences of this are obvious
this shit is gonna make the game more down bad then rate my avatar :cry:

I think vetex is benevolent enough to add boobs for all

it is 100% locked to npcs you guys will not be able to use boobs on your characters

I mean, he locked being muscular behind a paywall, I think being well-endowed is on the same tier.

I really hope they reconsider… :pensive:

probably just something like this i doubt it’d be anything too showy. idk who made the art but credits it actually looks pretty good

Ok but like surely eventually right? (I really want a shorthaired female character)

man is gonna make enough money to retire 5 times over

we can hope i guess?

the way i see it there’s like, 2 ways this goes.

1 - The Hopeful Route: AO gets more kindly cosplayers and character customization, and this opens the gates for even more customizability in the future.

2 - Uh Oh, All Gooners!: Toxic gooners join the game en-mass and ruin it, leading to an ACTUAL downfall.

I don’t think the gooners are commited enough to flood ao with gooning, when there are plenty of unmoderated r63 games or actual “fun times” websites that are far easier to access

we can hope. i just don’t want this game to become a bigger toxic cesspool than it already can be, and although minor, ironic simping is all fine and dandy and actually kinda healthy for the game, psychotic ranting and frothing as we see with a CERTAIN church clan is not.

just realized i started both my messages with we can hope i’m sorry i’m so repetitive :sob:

I dunno man, some people pay to look at boobies when you can just search google images

Also there’s always peroxide, and it didn’t get flooded by gooners when it added boobs.

Peroxide didn’t have Bolt

We don’t know if bolt would be spamming “heruka x bolt” or smth if peroxide had globals. (I do see he has played the game before though)

oh okay then, that’s good. i didn’t play Peroxide and i haven’t watched Bleach so i wouldn’t know.

i actually kinda hope that, if it’s paid, it’s roped in with the Muscles gamepass, and not made an entirely different gamepass. i know it’d lower Vetex’s overall income but it’d feel real crappy to have to buy two gamepasses of similar prices.

or the church of iris.

but Peroxide has Bleach which has Yoruichi, which i have not met a SINGLE person who doesn’t like her (if you’re that person you are NOT SPECIAL)

Imagine if we find that there’s a deceased king of Sameria and his name was Bolt.