Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

shouldn’t be hard for vetex to just make colorless items get converted to the default color on join

hopefully one of the testers tells him to

Why not?

Roblox is trying to shift away from its kid friendly status to attract more investors. Normally I wouldn’t support it, but minor breasts to differentiate gender expression is a good thing.

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That explains why there’s so many boobs.

where is the :broken_heart: reaction at?

Yes new weapon skills :weary:


I feel like it’s gonna be like lady carina’s axe slash in a way

Y’all can clown on me if you want, but I kind of wish that boobs, assuming that Roblox moderation is actually allowing them, were a generic customization option like eye shape and clothing color, so that I’d use them more on the files I’d want to use them on. That being said, I’m also relieved that they’re tied to armor sets, because we all know what would happen if you could customize it.

Also, new Rapier skill? Is there going to be a reason to finally use the thing after Weapon Customization took it off life support?

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OH They’re very much allowing them

we should have a body type selection in character customization, and muscles should be merged into it if you have the gamepass


It would be nice if we had vanity for weapons, warriors are gonna look horrendous with most 2 weapons + colossal cutlass combinations

colossal weapons are warlord weapons

Lance of Loyalty is unironically the only good thrusting weapon. (my warlord uses it unedited and it’s great, don’t even deny) We need to fix them.

please don’t forget us Savants

strength weapons*

Yeah, I think I’ve heard of people tossing around an idea of body types as a part of character creation, and I agree. The only real way to customize your character’s body is by equipping armor (which may go against your file’s theming) or by buying the Muscles gamepass (which you won’t catch me paying for until I’m dead).

The main issues I’d see with it are animations breaking, armor sets looking weird, and those people, but the first one might be solved by proxy if that idea of Mikrousia and Meglousia from Satyrs gets added.

Oh no, we’re gonna get Big Women.

:grin: yippeee

armor sets replace your limbs directly so theyd just override your body type like they do for muscles

animations should be fine so long as theyre rigged correctly