Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

looks better than currently

agreed im not a huge fan of it either

It looks kinda out of place. But I forgot how the current effects look like so I can’t make a comparison anyway

It looks alright in the stills, but in motion it looks pretty off

That falls under reaction or thoughts.

Vetex giving NPCs more abilities than the player. Supercharging would be a good incentive for players to charge their attacks if we were given the option (also given the appropriate CD).

Ya’ll are saying it looks bad but it’s better than the current ones, the current is literally a red slash png :sob:

if charging was more exponential it’d be nice for an incentive

as in charging for 0.5 seconds is much less than half the bonus of charging for 1 second, and charging for 2 seconds is a lot more than double the aforementioned 1 second charge

Really taking :glass_magic: cannon to a whole new level

It better have better clash rates than regular blast.

i think it might depend on tiers, but base clash rates im sure are better

I hope warlocks get it so warlocks can chain projectiles :grinning:

its 80 magic so even savants can get it

Surely this means there will be another low-level rare technique

insert that one
its a CANNON event
photo here

Flying phoenix magic equivalent

Calvus 500 x3 attack is already charged, he can even not charge it all the way.

look at this goober replying to a reply in rfao4

In a… reply to you replying on rfao
Dear me, the layers.