Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

its elius cape and boots

(I am fighting to get my favorite husband back any reason will dislodge me)

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Kalliste cape leak

Nah arm and immense energy were going to just be passives and not as adjustable iirc

Though I’m unsure if we’ll even get them given the list is deleted and a lot has changed, but I’d just trust vetex to cook

Blast: Blast
Explosion: Big low range blast, that can be either self placed or placed distantly (pretty sure self explosion has same damage as blast)
Leap: Non damaging, knockback self-blast
Beam: Hitscan blast
Snare: Delayed blast with stun
Aura: Not a blast :frowning:

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Blast: Obviously this is a blast reskin
Explosion: Basically just a blast occurring at a specific location
Leap: You blast under your feet to launch up
Beam: Instant ranged blast
Aura: You turn yourself into a blast
Snare: Grab someone and blast them
Pulsar: Literally a blast that explodes
Javelin: A fast moving blast which explodes multiple times on impact
Array: A bunch of small auto-aim blasts
Cannon: I mean it’s a piercing blast what more can I say
Surge: A ton of small blasts happening very fast

Wake up people


What? What does everyone know about raids that I don’t? I thought they were a completely unknown feature.

Brother that’s not a cannon

gradients isn’t a shadow change actually

Spirit blast: It’s literally in the name, another blast reskin

ok wheres the patch note

always “will” and “planned” but never “did” and “implemented”

i am legally required to state that this is a joke pelase dont ban me thank you

12 kingdoms planned but only 10 kingdom banners in brig, maybe we wont visit 2 or vetex just changed his mind or vetex screwed up

I’ll bet he has enough room in the later-game ships to add 12 or something :expressionless:

Grand Navy was a kingdom…Maybe AS was too? Or maybe that Corrsair country is remaining one

Actualy hold on:

  1. Ravenna
  2. Sameria
  3. Skyhall
  4. Keraxe
  5. Azure
  6. Ryujin
  7. Throne

As opposed to your usual melee blast of course

yeah like explosion

Smash and Crash are both melee blasts if you think of it

Also the Eden empire