Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

“spirit bomb” should be a spirit weapon attack

They use attacks made of energy from their spirit (I don’t watch it either)

prometheus gives humans creation instead of magic oops we got dragon balls

I would just prefer non magic+non magic (and my head cannon also says my dear son Sand Conjurer is married to a normal woman so uuuh)

Biden spirit weapon for Biden Blast?

bros wife is gonna die then hes gonna feel the need to make the fates suffer just as he has


joe biden has now ascended to godhood

i wish we could rename ultimate arts to whatever but just ult arts. i want “Hollow Purple!” for plasma ult cannon

You’ve done well so far, but up until now I’ve only been using a mere five percent of my power!
…Now, let’s see how you fare against my
Ultimate Art: Stock Sounds!

magic wall


Insert entire soundboard library:

A series of vine booms and semi-obscure game references such as Rain World death sound

So does anybody know the actual reason why Vetex is lacking on updates right now?
We’ve got like 5 more major features that could very well fit into this update, mainly the civilization tab, and he’s over here either removing herobrine or having somebody else make a spell.

maybe… who knows? maybe he’s coding those 5 major features right now

the heck you mean lacking he’s been cooking every day now

Yes, but if you look closely, it’s all either Makrinaos or QoL. Not bad things, but not what i meant.

how do you know he isnt working on major features rn? afaik hes adding shieldguard, the gravy base

after that i think itll be civ tab and mortars then update is out

he’s probably gettin those out of the way so he can focus on major features