Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

yes. I do play sekiro, and I will become the parry god.

Go fight ishin then

just because I play it doesn’t mean I have beaten it :frpensive:

Just parry

not sure if that actually counts as magic, given that it just kinda exists as a threat in the dark sea

Ancient Lightning isn’t likely finished with its visuals. The only reason I’d assume its obtainable (Via tools) is just because it appears in the Dark Sea.

idk maybe lightning in the dark sea is imbued with different lightning magics, and as they are added there will be more lightning variants.

can someone in patreon chat ask vetex if its planned to be able to remove modifier overlays from disabled pieces of armor?
ex. if i have drowned titanium armor and i disable the torso i still have the overlay on the torso

:rage: :tangerine: :angry:

what about the shieldguard rear admiral?

id assume a magic with ancient in the name isn’t a lost magic, which is what the rear admiral is using.

Wait its a rear admiral!?


I hadn’t considered that… perhaps

In AA there was like 400 fire magics, now in AO we’re getting like 400 lightning magics.
in WoM we got a lot of non-canon magics.
in Online Fighting we got the magics.
in vetex’s brain we got 2 zillion magics
𝔀𝓮 𝓰𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬


paper is canon!!! its the thing aesir is trying to awaken and if we choose ruthless which is the canon route then we fail cuz we are “evil” which means they succeed in acquiring papers magic!! ink is there too I guess

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in ruthless they unleash paper, in merciful they unleash ink
in platinum version they unleash giratina

if you go neutral they separate gold magic from metal magic

giratina’s got gold on.

This is actually canon vetex is gonna ban you for leaking

noooooooooooooooo :sob: