Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

listen dawg i was joking about laziness :sob:

Why would it drain stamina to effortlessly hold on to a glider? It may not be completely effortless, but you’re not letting go when you get tired.

imaginary technique: ultimate cannon

Balancing reasons

It doesn’t matter for realism anyway considering he’s having a volcano beam us up to a SKY ISLAND

Do people like not realize that hanging on stuff gets tiring

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This also is true

If you were paragliding, would you let go when your fingies hurt?

That doesn’t mean you aren’t getting tired bro what? :sob:

The threat of falling to your death does not make your tiredness and the possibility of slipping go away dawg

If I’m ona glider it doesn’t matter how sleepy it makes me, I am not going nighty night.

If you were swimming, would you stop when your limbs got tired?
Besides, holding your entire body weight by your arms affects more than just your fingers

Either way the reason it’s taking stamina doesn’t matter to realism it’s for balancing :sob:

I get pretty tired when I’m nearly drowning because I’m bad at swimming, it doesn’t mean I sleep.

Passing out from exhaustion:

Skill issue.

How a ultimate art shockwave explosion feels like

“Throughout Elysium and Tartarus, I alone am the Honored Legacy.”
“Ultimate Art: Plasma Cannon!”

dies 2 times to exact same attack

I’m tired of every mage move being some variation of standing still and making an object go somewhere.

I can fly with my lags