Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

It took me until you said that to realize it was lego, so good job making the Hardee’s logo out of lego.

furry pfp vs freaky f pfp vs lego star pfp (pic unrelated)
"Deepwoken Duke Erizzia" Essential T-Shirt for Sale by UragiriBranch

God damn the power in this statement

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Felt more like arrogance when you’re on the other end.

speaking of arrogance one time my friend put too much soft serve ice cream into his cone and it fell over onto the floor and he didnt have any more ice cream


A tale rivalling the myth of Sisyphus…

we need punishment for scammy traders where its like tantalus:

there’s a tree above you growing acrimonies and headlesses but whenever you try to reach up and grab one the tree grows out of reach
theres also a sea below you of various sunkens and whenever you reach down to grab one the sea recedes

Yes, the tree is growing the lack of a head.


Im quoting this because I cannot say what I wish to say



Ultimate Art: Massive White Bust

Thank you both

You could probably cast magic with your mouth if you were amputated or paralyzed as much as possible. Surge has a roar animation, which really just looks like vomit.

Spit such fire bars that your opponent burns alive

Power word: scrungulode!

Fun fact actually, if you lose both of your arms you cast with your face
(sort of, I think you just lean forwards slightly and that may have been changed since wom)

Lets go meet a max level oracle as a level 50 and find out!

I really hope crystal gets a reworked visual

Well metals getting one, so it’s not out of the question. (I need my refractive laser crystal! (Special light clashes when vetex))

hi guys slightly unrelated but if empires is releasing mid september (which is 15-20th) then its releasing close-ish to my birthday :DD

I thought people knew this, considering writing with a pencil-
