Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

why would you need to import a model of a cube? just spawn a brick and scale it up

Wdym cube


I’m sure you’d love an island that’s just a gray block with nothing on it, but we wouldn’t.

Basically Fenrir Island

Man shieldguard looking fire

wonder when the next trello update is droppin’

I also hope it fixes this⤵️
Screenshot 2024-04-23 180641

puddles underwater is SpongeBob logic, I don’t like SpongeBob logic

Well I don’t like you!

its been a whole week since the last trello recent update

It’s been 100 years, daddy.

what the fuck
a better quote would be:
“It’s been 84 years…”

Vetex REALLY needs to fix the “my clan” teleport setting it seems

how it feels to spend 7 days fixing the my clan teleport setting

“10,000 yeeeeeeeeeears give you SUCH a CRICK in the NECK!”

I see why Cryonical goes insane every time mfs fucking yap over nothing in here :sob:

thats a patreon leak i think

Doubt, cause i heard of that as well.
Like where you could place down the furniture any way you want.

I hope I can at least access all the amenities of a brig without leaving this mortal plane.

i think itll be a door inside the normal captains cabin leading to an instanced room, with the brig amenities in the captains cabin

I’d be fine enough with that, even if it seems unnecessarily lavish.