Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

that makes sense, i guess i don’t have a problem with the down then, but i don’t know if i prefer representing crushing over gravity’s attraction or not

doesn’t matter though

Unless vetex does a twitter reveal
Pretty please vetex :pleading_face:

Well patreon members usually see updates 2 weeks earlier, so we’ll have to wait at least 2 weeks

realistically gravity wouldn’t have any status effect and just instead do a fuckton of damage and rip off your limbs

you’re shooting a blast of gravity magic, not using a domain expansion. You suddenly fuck up the gravity where someone is, not make the person experience heavier gravity for x seconds

why not? just increase their gravity after they’re hit with the gravity magic

why would it do that? there’s zero indication magic can be controlled in any way after using the spell itself

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what about shadow’s status, or actually every status, those all last after the spell has ended, and gravity magic increasing gravity as a status effect makes sense

well fire burns you because you’ve been set on fire, blinded blinds you because you’ve just been flashed by something really bright, darkness could be either the shadow energy just dissipating from your eyes or more realistically your eyes adjusting to the shadow somehow briefly and now you’re blinded by normal lighting

wind doesn’t have some status like “windy” where you’re constantly being blown around, it just sends you flying

unless gravity purely just throws you into the ground by increasing your gravity as the entire thing the spell does, it doesn’t make much sense for the spell to continue to function after having hit something. Also, again, why would it function by just making you a pancake, you have the power to rip someone’s limbs off and you use it to just break someone’s legs?

with snow magic the snow magic lingers on the opponent, chilling and obscuring their vision
with gravity magic the gravity magic lingers on the opponent, increasing their weight
it’s not that complex

with ice magic you have the power to inflict frostbite and make people’s limbs fall off, why do you only make them a bit chilly? you’re extrapolating the power too much

snow magic lingers because the ball of snow that has been thrown on you has hit you and got under your clothes

if snow magic can linger why cannot gravity magic also linger

because gravity is not a powdery physical object that gets stuck under your clothes like sand

these physical objects are just magic energy, which dissipates, but clearly it can stick around for a bit, so if one type of magic energy can do it then so should another

damnit not storm magic, oh well

this makes 1 of the 3 losts i want confirmed, so that’s nice. hopefully it does something cool

I mean isnt storm confirmed though?

if it is i haven’t seen it

It is confirmed (Pretty certain one of the planned minibosses uses it)

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in that case the only thing im waiting on is equinox which is almost 100% going to be added

can members of the gravy claim a navy base after it gets unclaimed, because it would be absolutely hillarious if they could