Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

“Get back hare, ya scoundral!”

Dont do it you bum

Mods, please crush his skull in

mods no funny stuff just kill him

don’t just kill him erase his familial history as well

complete erasure of any who have been associated up until this point

um uh

holy crap soviet union

isn’t she italian

maybe, idk
i always thought she was from the british isles (though not actually british, eugh)

fck you

(Complete sencctence)

she’s from ravenna

It might seem crazy but red hair dont translate to british heritage

can we get AO voice acting so i can hear her say “oi oi, where is meh spaghettah!”

and then give us a purely American character similar to Boothill with a heavy American accent so I can make fun of my own kind as well

red hair, freckles, anger issues
hmmmmmmmmmmm… i wonder who vetex was trying to portray…

You should go to sleep

There are like 15 different American accents which do you mean

Rose Entry Point

heavy texan accent

it’s only 8 i just woke up early today

the western stereotypical one. “yeehaw” yk