Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


cant be talking #2
especially when i’ve BEEN ON HERE so much longer than either of you and im still only #3

as a color itself 7.5/10, pretty average but I like blue and light gray so its nice

for what it was used for I give it a solid 0/10 WHY DID THE FRENCH USE THIS IN WW1 IT HAS NO CAMO YOU STICK LIKE A SORE THUMB!!!


I mean to be fair we’ve been actually contributing to discussions far more

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Yes true 50% of the reason is him but oh my days just don’t reply how much can one post from him cause HUNDREDS OF REPLIES

the fact that if I said if I’m gone for a day I’d come back to 800+ replies ISN’T an exaggeration is actually insane this has to stop

Like at first I’d see that and was hoping there’d be some crazy new thing posted on the Trello but then there’s NOTHING, NOT EVEN IN RFAO WHAT

Guys atp just make topics PLEASE


5/10 looks dehydrated

what does my (half your post number) have to do with hating french people

Colors must look like Pet Simulator or die.

I inspect elemented it, it’s funny now.

bro its gotten so bad in here that its like the trenches of verdun equivlent to a forum post, why are we unironically rating colors now :sob:

Shed your tears we shall see about that.

we need to get a mod to step in dawg

Then ping one

with this treasure… i summon…

on the bright side guys, at least this isnt in rfao

I think we’d be at like rfao 6 if it was


No, you can’t just blame it on him it’s BOTH OF YOU HELLO

And this HAS to be some sort of new record

@fartman1314 too you’re not slick

I mean this is actually so bad guys seriously, please just make new topics

I used to see 200+ messages in this topic and be excited cause I knew it meant something crazy was just added, but now everytime I just check to see if RFAO has any new messages and all I see is a grey title