Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

The addition of reagent pots will be a great QoL for rare reagent farming, but why lock them behind clans, an optional social feature?
I get that it makes sense for now, but why not just place a limited amount of them around the world?
This would:

  • Limit their maximum quantity naturally (no bullshit “Erm, you can’t place more for literally no reason other than balancing :nerd:”)
  • Make them fit within the world, immersing the player more (because why exactly would clans have those but not kingdoms?)
  • Makes players unlock more as they progress in the story, meaning that they would get more when they need more
  • Have players visit all seas more often, something I think vetex wants
  • Increase the amount of potential quests (specifically the fun kind that actually changes the player’s world)

I’m guessing that the answer lies in data saving, as the reagent pots probably don’t save your reagents (meaning that he does not have to script in a new thing to save in a player’s data).


rest in skibidi savants

yeah no we’re gonna just kill you for saying that
(goodbye savants)

We’re in the balance portion now, so we’re likely getting this update within the next week or two

can we hit 10k messages within two weeks though
we gotta fulfill our thread quota…

Finally, after all these years,


metal barriers is now the most op reflex in the game :100:

Speaking of messages, I saw about a thousand are gone

Did someone do some clean up or did me ignoring stock do that

savants are no longer dead


What does this mean? can you give me explanation
Like does the cooldown is now longer or shorter?

Cooldown is now longer, but specifically for aura spells, previously it said it was longer for everything

What about Spell such as Blast, Beam (same apply to fighting style technique)

Nope, same cooldown

Okay thanks for clarify
Vetex sure kinda love to not word something correctly which made me confused until i asked someone

Yknow who else does not word something correctly?

Tell me


If you don’t get the joke that’s on you

You. I think it’s you

It’s just pulsar if it was a moving pillar explosion instead

we don’t even get some sort of damage compensation :sob:

don’t worry though one day (in 2076) we’ll be overpowered with 30 imbues

“oh no an incentive to indulge in a part of the game, what ever shall i do!”
(join neptune)