Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

also general valerii is a dude mb chat

I’d bet it’s a really fast heat magic, like on par with light at least

Since when is heat known for being fast?
Even when projected by the sun itself, it takes time to heat things up

thermo fist is fast

Thermo is hot and fast

Never, but if it’s the lack of anything but heat, there’s not really anything to slow it down

Thermo Fist is based around making yourself so fast that you become hot, not so hot that you become fast.

Thermo is Hot and Fast and Speedy

Infrared light produces heat on contact with a surface, perhaps heat magic is just that (light x fire = microwave).

Hey, random thought, if Ravenna still has the Cloud Curse, who gets to have it?

John Curse


Revon maybe?

bro quit leaking :sob:

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nine… thousand posts.

says the non patron that can somehow see patreon leaks

We may hit the quota after all

make sure the next gets to 10k

We need 10k before the update drops

you publicly leak tho :skull:

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