Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

He finally said what they are!! Jannis would be happy

she just says “get out” and launches you into the dark sea

unless the stats were like 1 defence 1 intensity 1 attack size

a power intensity set will still be meta defining this update

gravity magic will just enable fall damage
my prediction

the post count doesnt go down though

oh no that would be evil

golden modifier when? the drip is real

we were at 9930
went down to like 9890

it would be hilarious if it did enable fall damage

yeah it does though

see? its gone down by like 40

it hasnt for me, it’s on 9958

divonachi is singlehandedly obliterating our count

Lets do it!

oh wait i had to refresh the page


quickly, get divanochi to mute the topic by spam pinging him!!

this is a joke, do not spam ping

update page, it just went down by like 80 for me

do you have stock or me muted? it’ll do that

cant wait for this to somehow be a memory leak

“do you have me muted”