Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

i might be wrong but i dont think kai or merlot have inv frames so i doubt any minibosses will

I hope maria’s iframe bullshit doesn’t carry over to other bosses

agreed her inv frames are obnoxious lol

When “500! 500! 500!” and “Inv frames” will clash together, world will end.


You will only have 3 options: Parry all of them, tank the entire thing, or get above the attack somehow.

suprisingly less than the diving update

ARCANIUM STAFF FR (hope we get the conjurer update soon)

My 100% water breathing agility set will be put to good(er) use

Trying to kill giant sharks so deep in the water seems unfeasible, and I’m not sure if they would circle your ship if you were above it (and on a ship attachment). I think sharkrepel would be the only way to actually get the chests, unless if invisbility or love potions affect sharks

I wonder if the sealed chests would even be worth it, since I don’t know how vetex would make them give better loot. And adding more sealed chests would just be annoying to haul back, not to mention how they would probably despawn

Building, new islands, new type of “sunkens”, new mini boss :heart_eyes: vetex is really cooking, thank you our dev who art in studio and his holy son jtn :pray:

plus new rare spell/technique, a bunch of new armour sets and MAYBE more spirit weapon stuff although im not sure vetex will have time to add any

this is gonna be a really good update, provided no game breaking bugs occur on release

the 30 sharks guarding the diving spot when I’m in the water for 0.0001 seconds:

Unsure about invisibilty but love potions work
Your problem is that they don’t work on sea monsters because they are bosses

I’m ngl it was really funny it should be added back

you fool i got that image from this thread



my metal conj will be so happy
