Enchants have no value now

Vetex himself said on the interview that there will be better enchants later in the game and you can just slap an enchant scroll on your weapons easily.

Key phrase is this. You’ll get them at higher levels, so current enchants are what you’ll be using through early game

RIP all those sunkens with the shit enchants like bursting, hard, or powerful. Will be inferior in 4 years :face_vomiting:


guess it was a great move by me to not enchant my sunken sword :mariomug:

dang so all these strong enchants wont mean anything in the future?

enchants have no value when ao releases
for the next 4 months get ready to pay a shit ton for powerful sunken armor
(even when ao releases enchant scrolls will probably still be rare)

i mean yeah that’s been known for a while really
p sure there will be some way to remove enchants at some point as well so it really isn’t a big deal

any item that would have early game enchants is just that, early game

once these enchants are obtainable you wouldnt be using those items anymore and theyd be worthless anyway

yknow literally all of your items will be unusable by then
…except the current sunken set for some reason, but i doubt theyll be relevant that far into the future except maybe the sword

pretty sure it’s only armor and accessory enchants that will become “obsolete”
from what I read on the enchant ideas trello card (that I’m pretty sure is still up) there are no new weapon enchants planned for the future. Though that is only the public trello.

I genuinely believe that the less absurd rng this game has the better, yeah it devalues some items but considering that it’s just recently been stated AO is best experienced solo I think items you want for your build being bearable to obtain in an “Ironman” like experience is all and all a good thing.



They’re being added but I think it was implied in the Q&A that they won’t cause a whole event where every player ever hunts you down.

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